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ClickBank is an ecommerce platform and affiliate marketplace countless businesses are benefitting from.

It makes it easy for you to promote your offers, reach a bigger audience, and meet your goals.

The platform connects digital content creators with affiliate marketers who can advertise offers to consumers.


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ClickBank allows you to earn money in two ways.

The first one is to create your digital products and list them. The second one is to list other people’s products and earn a commission from every sale.

Joining the affiliate program is free and easy. All you have to do is create your account, market the links, and drive traffic to the products you’re promoting.

We’ll cover 10 ClickBank affiliate secrets you can use to drive traffic, earn more, and succeed.


The best way to attract clicks and sales is to connect with your target audience.

You have to create a website and share content that’s related to the products you want to promote.

That way, when you start advertising, it will be easy for prospects to trust you and buy via your links.

They know you have experience in the area and value your opinion.

So, design a website and start sharing content that’s relevant to your target audience.

For example, if you want to join survival affiliate programs, write about survival prepping.

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Focus on helping your blog readers prepare for emergencies, understand how unexpected events affect their lives and know the best ways to survive difficult times. Whether indoors or outdoors.

The goal is to help your audience mitigate specific challenges and constantly engage with your content.

You want to prove credibility, build industry authority, and show you can be trusted.

It makes it easy for you to attract attention and make more money once you start advertising affiliate products.

When you have a decent number of readers, you can then start promoting your ClickBank affiliate offers.

Add your links or offer within the article and make sure it fits seamlessly with your content.


Publishing relevant content regularly isn’t enough. If no one knows you exist and you have zero content engagement, you won’t make any sales.

So, make sure people find your content.

Make it easy for your audience to interact with your blog and favor your content above the competition.

Leverage search engine optimization, use content distribution networks, and take advantage of relevant social media platforms.

Optimize your content for SEO to get your pages to rank in the top 10 results of search engines.

Identify high-ranking keywords within your niche or phrases that are often used by your target audience to find certain information online.

Add the keywords in your blog topics and throughout your content.

However, don’t overdo it.

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Use at least 5 high-ranking keywords per article and make sure they fit seamlessly with your content.

Don’t keyword-stuff your content as it can make it difficult and uninteresting to read. Plus, Google can penalize you for it.

So, choose and use your keywords wisely.

Make sure your content reaches as many people as possible.

Don’t just depend on your website to reach a bigger audience. Start a newsletter and promote your ClickBank offers to your subscribers.

Focus on connecting with your audience and adding value to their lives first, before advertising your affiliate links.

Show that you are not just concerned about making money but helping them reach certain goals or mitigate specific challenges.

Share your content across relevant social media platforms and use content distribution networks like Medium or HARO (Help a Reporter Out).

Start a Facebook group and use it to connect with your audience and build meaningful relations.

Create a YouTube channel and use it to boost engagement and promote your ClickBank offers.

SEO, social media, email marketing, and content distribution platforms are the best methods to get free traffic to your site.

All you need to do is come up with an effective content marketing strategy that will help you reach your audience and get more clicks or sales.


One thing that can make it difficult to earn is advertising to the wrong people or ones who aren’t interested in what you are promoting.

You have to show your content and affiliate products to the right audience.

Make sure you get the products in front of individuals who are interested in them. That is the only way to get clicks and ensure consistent earnings from affiliate marketing.

Use the most effective affiliate marketing methods to increase traffic and reach the right audience.

Take advantage of guest blogging and paid advertising.

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Guest blog on the top blogs within your niche and generate relevant traffic and get backlinks to your site.

The best thing about guest blogging is that you can reach a bigger audience and ensure your content gets in front of qualified leads.

Work with sites that have high engagement and ones that focus on topics or products that match your content.

It makes it easy for you to ensure conversions and get a return on investment from your efforts.

Use Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and YouTube Ads to reach your audience and get your offers in front of the right people.


Your overall success depends on the type of products you promote.

If you market ones with low commission rates, you won’t get significant returns.

The trick is to find and promote high commission products to generate thousands of dollars or more.

So, when you become an affiliate on ClickBank, browse the available products and focus on worthwhile ones.

The platform has thousands of products listed. Which can make it difficult for you to find the right ones.

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So, the best way to go about it is to filter by product type and commission percentage.

Focus on products that pay you a minimum of $15 in commission per sale.

Promote high avg $/conversion products to generate high commissions. That’s how you can make lots of money from selling a few products.

As mentioned earlier, don’t focus too much on making money and neglect your audience.

Promote products that are useful to your audience and ones that have positive feedback from the people who are using them.


Go through the best-sellers list and find relevant products to promote.

Advertising best-selling products will help you generate traffic and sales.

Many people are already buying the products and prospects don’t need too much convincing to buy.

If there is a high demand for the product, ensuring sales becomes easy.

People will focus on the customer reviews and make buying decisions based on what others are saying.

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So, pick the all-time best-selling products on the platform and ensure success.

Check the Gravity Score of the product to determine how well it sells.

ClickBank uses the Gravity Score metric to show you how many sales a certain product has made.

A high Gravity Score means there’s high competition but the product can convert. Ensuring you generate sales.

The most important thing to do is write helpful reviews and convince your audience to buy.

You can also look at the list of monthly top-selling products to discover the best products to promote.


Analyze the listing you want to choose and make sure you get the results you want.

Don’t just choose products that “seem right” because it will be difficult for you to get conversions.

Concentrate on the product description, category, the initial $/conversion number, the affiliate page, the Gravity Score, and other key stats.

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Find out how much money you can make each time you make a sale and whether or not you can earn a recurring income.

For example, will you get a commission on rebills? Such as when a customer orders the product more than once using your link, will you be able to get a commission?

Analyzing a product listing helps you make informed decisions when deciding which products to work with.

It makes it easy for you to select the right products, attract your target audience, and earn more.


Pick products that offer recurring commissions to increase your chances of success and make more money.

Recurring products allow you to generate commission every time a customer buys a product using your affiliate link. That means you don’t just make money from their initial purchase. Instead, you generate a commission for as long as they remain a paying customer.

ClickBank makes it easy for you to identify recurring products you can promote.

Simply use the Advanced search filters to find the right products.

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You can filter based on the Gravity Score, the Initial $/conversion, the Avg $/conversion, or Recurring $/rebill.

Use the minimum and maximum recurring commission range to find the right products to endorse.

I’d recommend you focus more on sellers that offer recurring payments or rebills.

Use the Recurring $/rebill parameter to determine how much earn for each Rebill payment on average.


The only way for your online marketing campaigns to succeed is to focus on two things: relevant traffic and conversions.

If you are not generating any traffic to your site or offers, you won’t succeed.

You need to have lots of website visitors and make sure you direct them to the relevant pages or products.

Make sure your website visitors become paying customers.

Getting people on your site won’t help you reach your goals if they don’t buy or take the necessary actions.

You want users to interact with your content but also turn into customers.

You want to make sure at least half of the people who visit your website or read your emails, use your affiliate links to purchase the products you are advertising.

The best way to drive traffic to your affiliate links and earn is to choose a high-converting product and attract the right audience.

One of the effective ways to ensure the right people see your content or offers is to use opt-in pop-ups.

Add them to your site and get more people to sign up for your newsletter.

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To convince users to join your mailing list, use lead magnets.

Give away something relevant or useful to them in exchange for their email addresses.

It makes it easy for you to get subscribers and nurture leads until you convert them into customers.

You can give away a free eBook, templates, training videos, or product samples. It all depends on your niche, your content, the kinds of products you want to promote, and your audience’s interests.

The most important thing to bear in mind is to offer a free product that’s useful to your audience. One that interests them, captures attention and makes it easy to share their email addresses.


One mistake you never want to make as an affiliate marketer is writing fake reviews.

It tarnishes your reputation, makes it difficult for people to trust you, and leads to lower conversions.

So, always write honest product reviews and share helpful feedback.

Your main goal is to help your audience make informed purchasing decisions so they can buy the right products.

You want to make it easy for them to find products that cater to their needs without spending too much time searching online.

If you constantly advertise offers that are not only relevant to them but useful, they will turn into repeat customers.

They will trust you and know your site is the best place to go when trying to find certain products.

So, read the product features, reviews, and testimonials.

It’s best to focus on products that offer a money-back guarantee. Especially when you are starting. It helps you avoid misunderstandings and ensure earnings.

Choose products with more positive customer reviews and higher ratings.

Understand the product you want to promote and write an in-depth review.

Talk about all the product features and emphasize the unique features.

Cover the pros and cons of using or buying the product to remain objective.

Don’t write in such a way that “forces” the reader to buy.

Instead, leave the buying decisions to your readers.

Give them enough information to determine whether the product is the right fit for them and decide to buy on their own.

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Include customer reviews, ratings, and pricing options in your review articles.

Don’t just display positive reviews.

Show negative ones as well.

Add six 5-star reviews and a maximum of 2 negative reviews.

Mention whether or not you recommend that your readers buy the product under review.

If you do, state why.

If you have experience with the product, for example, you can mention that you’ve used it and are happy with the results.

List the kinds of people who can benefit from it and if possible, mention how it’s used.

Your main goal is to give in-depth information and help prospects understand the product.


Monitor and track results to see what’s working and what’s not working.

Know what’s worth investing your time and money in and what isn’t.

It helps you focus your energy on products and marketing strategies that give you a return on investment.

It is key to increasing conversions and ensuring affiliate marketing success.

Identify offers and methods that generate sales and improve them.

Get rid of ones that don’t give you the results you want.

The most important metrics to track are earnings per click, total net earnings, refund rate, email marketing metrics, and all metrics for your Ads.

Know how much money you make on average per every click you get.

Use the ClickBank dashboard to view your total earnings.

Find out how much you save after expenses and see whether or not you are making any profits.

Track email marketing metrics to see if it’s worth investing in.

The most important metrics to track are clickthrough rate, conversion rate, list growth rate, open rate, email forwarding rate, and unsubscribe rate.

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If you are using Facebook Ads, track your conversion rate, cost per click, and cost per purchase.

Monitor results to see what’s working.

Invest your time, efforts, and money into products and marketing methods that are profitable.

ClickBank makes it easy for you to track your link.

All you have to do is create an account nickname during sign-up. Then create a HopLink that will help you track your affiliate link.

You can create multiple nicknames and tie them to your ClickBank account.

That means if you want to create one as an affiliate and another as a seller, you won’t have any challenges.

Once you enter your nickname, click on ‘Promote’, then choose ‘Create HopLink.’

The HopLink Generator generates a HopLink that’s tied to your account nickname.

You can copy and paste the HopLink to track your offers and make your affiliate commissions.

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