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There’s nothing more frustrating than investing your time into something that won’t give you significant returns. As a creator, your goal is to create products that prospects want and buy. So, you can profit from them.

However, some creators fail to reach their money goals, earn as much as they desire, and ensure ROI.

If you want to avoid that, you’ve come to the right place. We will cover effective ways to profit from your new product. So, you can be rewarded for your work and efforts.


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1. Have a pre-launch strategy

Promote your product while creating it. Don’t wait until the launch day. This helps you determine whether or not people are interested in what you are creating. It makes it easy for you to understand your market and estimate sales.

So, have an effective pre-launch strategy that will get you the desired results.

Advertise your product and tell prospects about it. Mention what it is, who it’s for, and how it benefits them.

Market your offer on social media, your newsletter, and your website.

Ask your followers whether or not they are interested in what you are creating. Find out how many people are willing to buy.

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Your posts should have a link that leads to your sales page. Where users will learn more about the product.

Add a clear call to action on the sales page to test how many people will click on it. Your CTA can be a “Buy now” button.

See how many people click on it to determine whether you’ll attract sales or not, once you start selling.

When users click on your CTA, a message should appear that says the product will be ready soon. What they can do for now is join your mailing list and ensure they don’t miss the launch.

Understand your market and create a product that prospects are interested in. Search for popular or bestselling niche products on Amazon, Google, JVZoo, and other reputable marketplaces.

2. Automate the sales process

Part of the reason potential customers don’t buy your product is that your checkout process is too complicated or they have to go through too many steps before buying. This often leads to users abandoning their carts and exiting your site. So, automate the sales process and make it easy for users to buy your product.

Use the best automation software to automate the important aspects of the sales process. For example, sending emails, product shipping, product delivery, and fulfillment.

The best tools to use are ConvertKit, ClickFunnels, and HubSpot Sales.

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When designing your website, simplify the checkout process. Don’t ask for too much information. Only ask users to enter relevant details to buy your product. Ask for their full name, email address, physical address, and banking details. Add popular payment methods that aren’t restricted to geographical locations. Such as PayPal, Google Pay, and Stripe.

One thing that makes it difficult to get sales is that your product isn’t priced correctly. If you set the price too low, customers will doubt the quality of your offer. If you set it too high, you lose buyers. Especially when it’s a new product that users haven’t tested yet.

So, set your price right to get conversions.

Find out how much your competitors charge for the same product and set a lower price. If the price range is between $50 and $200, for example, your product should be $100. You can even sell it for $80 to attract customers. Add extra features to justify the price and increase perceived product value and quality.

3. Promote your product everywhere

Promote your product everywhere and make sure it reaches your target audience.

Advertise on your blog, website, social media pages, YouTube channel, and newsletter.

Make sure every post you upload, every article you write, every webinar you do, every podcast you create, and every email you send leads to your new product. Tell your followers, webinar attendees, and subscribers to buy your offer. State why and explain how it benefits them.

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You don’t have to sound too salesy or overpromote yourself. All you need to do is mention your new product at the beginning or end of your post. You can also promote it by placing ads on your emails, blog, website, and social media pages.

Create a high-res image advertising your new product and use it as your cover photo across social media platforms.

The goal is to get your offer in front of as many people as you can and boost sales.

Final words

Your new product can sell well and improve profitability. All you need to do is follow the methods outlined and start putting them to work today.

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