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A side hustle can help you quickly meet your financial goals and find a work-life balance. You get more control over your time and make money doing what you enjoy. So, if it’s something you’ve been considering, look no further.

I will help you to identify 5 of the best side hustles that you can start right away and help you successfully launch them.


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You can make as much as $200 000 or more monthly, from an online course. Countless people are doing it. Some have quit their day jobs and become full-time online tutors. You can too. Pick a subject that you are well-versed in or one you enjoy and share your knowledge with the world. Millions of people are willing to exchange their money for something that will bring value to their lives and help them meet their goals. So, find out what you can offer or help people with and turn it into a course. Identify the most in-demand topics and align them with your abilities. Create something that people want and find valuable. Go to top platforms like Udemy, Teachable, or Coursera and type in your search. For example, if you want to teach graphic design, use the relevant keywords. Just type in graphic design and you’ll get more than a thousand results. Pay attention to best-selling courses. Focus on the number of students, reviews, ratings, and most importantly, how much it costs. This will give you an idea of how to price yours. The best thing about running this search is that you also get recommendations on the best-selling topics that you can include in your course. For example, when you search for ‘graphic design’ on Udemy, you’ll find the ‘Students also search for’ section that lists related topics. Such as Photoshop, illustrator, logo design, etc. Use this information to create a best-seller. If you are comfortable with Adobe photoshop, add that. Teach your students how to design logos and master photoshop.

When you find the right topic, take it a step further and ask your existing audience. Reach out to your followers on social networks and find out what they’ll like to learn. What are they willing to spend money on? Focus on topics that most people are interested in, do your research, and ensure your course stands out. After picking the right topic, begin the creation process. If the tutorial is 15 hours or more, divide each video into shorter sections. Each video can be 5 minutes, 17 minutes, 30 minutes, or 45 minutes long. This helps students to digest the information better and improves concentration. Personalize your videos. Use a friendly tone and add one or two jokes to boost engagement.

Next, create a landing page. Advertise your course and make sure it reaches as many people as possible. Hire a designer or use free templates. You can get them on HubSpot,, or Squarespace. If you like, you can use landing page creation tools like Lander or Unbounce instead. They are easy to use, come with many features, have in-built templates, offer countless customization options, and so much more. Key things to keep in mind when designing your page are; a simple easy-to-navigate design, fast loading times, responsiveness, and course highlights. Share 2 or 3-minute introductory videos. Give users a reason to sign-up for your course. Talk about why you created the course, what they will benefit from it, how much it costs, etc. Use discounts and freebies to convert visitors to students. You can also use Thinkific to build your course from scratch or Teachable to create an online school.

Remember, there is a lot of competition out there. So, make sure your course stands out. Provide valuable up-to-date and practical information. Add free resources whenever possible. For example, offer benefits exclusive to students such as lifetime access, free eBooks, discounts, and so forth.

Upload your course on Udemy, Teachable, or Kajabi. Use social media channels, email marketing, or paid advertising to market your course and reach an even bigger audience.

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Blogging has become one of the best and fast-growing side hustles with great profits. Perhaps you want to get into it full-time or keep your 9-5 job while blogging on the side. Either way, you can meet your financial obligations and make as much money as you want. So, launch your blog and use it to build your client-base, advertise your business, or form meaningful relations with your customers.

Ensure success by picking the right niche. Decide on what you want to blog about and stick to it. This will help you build authority as well as trust. So, what do you enjoy reading or writing about? What topics are you knowledgeable in or enjoy researching? Is it something that people follow, enjoy, or want? Is it profitable? If so, you have found your niche.

Have an effective content creation strategy to ensure success. For example, set goals, define your audience, define your value proposition, establish your KPIs or key performance indicators, use different content formats, stick to your niche, measure results, and so on.

Use Google Analytics or Ubersuggest to improve the quality of your content, find the best keyword ideas, track your performance, analyze SEO traffic, etc.

Once you build authority, establish trust, and grow your audience, monetize your blog. Use it to advertise your existing products or services. Offer freelance writing services and use the blog as your portfolio site. Join freelancing sites like Upwork, Fiverr, iWriter, ProBlogger, or People-Per-Hour. You can make up to $1000 or more per month from the right platforms. However, since you are only starting, it is best to stick to ones that will help you build your client-base and reputation. Charges vary depending on your level of expertise, experience, as well as how long you have been in business. So, start small and grow from there.

Next, become an affiliate. Join the best affiliate programs and promote their products to your followers. Add links and get paid per click or for each successful sale. However, be careful of the products you promote. Don’t recommend products for the sake of making money. Remember, you want to maintain your reputation and maintain relations with your audience. So, only recommend products you’ve used, ones you trust, as well as ones that your followers are interested in. Some of the best affiliate platforms you can look into are Amazon Associates, ShareASale, CJ Affiliates, and ClickBank. You can make as much as $3000 or more per month if you follow the mentioned steps and dedicate your time and efforts to making it work.

Use the best CMS or content management system to create your blog and have it running in no time. Use WordPress to meet your goals. It’s free and gives you the flexibility you need to create, manage, and grow your site. Gain access to thousands of free and paid themes as well as plugins and give your site that professional touch. You only have to invest a couple of hours to master how everything works. After that, you are good to go.

After setting things up and successfully launching your blog, optimize it for SEO. Make sure it appears on searches and ranks high on search engine results pages. Use meta keywords, descriptions, and tags on your titles, descriptions, as well as throughout your content. Share links to your blog on social platforms. Mention it to your YouTube subscribers, friends, and workmates to increase traffic.

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Build credibility, extend your reach, promote your brand, and grow sales by becoming an online influencer. Countless people are doing it and the best part is that you can easily build authority and meet your financial goals if you do it right.

You first have to connect with your audience at a personal level to ensure that happens. So, share content that they are interested in. The kind that attracts and retains their attention. Build your brand and share highly-engaging content. If there is something you are great at, focus on that. For example, if you enjoy cooking and are great at it, build your brand around that. Share short-form and long-form videos of yourself in the kitchen. Upload high-quality images of your finest dishes and recipes.

Teach your audience how to prepare simple as well as complex meals. Keep them interested in what you are going to share next by adding a personal touch to your recordings. You can share secret recipes, show fun and easy ways to prepare complex dishes, and so on.

Take it a step further and provide valuable advice on healthy eating and healthy living. Talk about the effectiveness of dieting, how it helps with weight loss goals and best practices. Create a video series and cover the top 5 or 10 weight-loss diets or diet plans. This will keep your followers coming back and hitting the ‘Share’ button. Provide well-researched, truthful, and helpful information. Show that you are knowledgeable in your field and passionate about what you do. This will get you more followers, help you build trust, and ensure you meet your goals.

The key thing is to find something that you enjoy and share it with the world. Perhaps you like taking pics and have decent Photoshop skills. You can create your brand around that. Share personal experiences or pictures of what you love. For example, your pet, your city, nature, adventures, and so forth. Use Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or whichever platform you prefer. Choose your platform based on the type of content you want to share. For example, if you are going to use a lot of images, pick Instagram. If you are going to use a lot of videos and want to show your audience how to do ABC, use YouTube.

Build an audience and grow your following by targeting the right people. Focus on the type of content you are creating and answer key questions; Who is your audience? How will you find them? And How are you going to keep them? You can choose your audience based on gender, age, marital status, profession, and so forth. Better yet, pick a niche that caters to a lot of people. For instance, if you want to share your cooking skills, you can target stay-at-home moms, professionals with busy schedules, and single dads who don’t have impressive cooking skills.

Once you build your audience and make your mark, focus on the next important step; making money. Partner up with brands or other influencers and promote their products or businesses. Identify ones with a great reputation and approach them. Explain why you want to work with them and how it’s going to benefit both of you. For example, mention your online reputation, number of loyal followers, and so on. Share links to your social pages to prove your credibility and help them understand your brand better.

Advertise their products to your fans and get paid on commission. If you have a great number of followers and a good online reputation, a lot of companies will want to work with you. If you get turned down during the early days, don’t give up. Keep at it. You will eventually find the right brand to work with. You can charge $100 or more per post. If you have a big audience, companies will be more than happy to pay you whatever amount you charge. Charge $10 000 or more if you have a million Instagram followers. That’s a good return on investment.

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Identify your top 3 skills or find something you are passionate about and turn it into a side hustle business. This is how countless people earn extra side cash and end up quitting their 9-5 jobs. You can monetize just about any skill. So, what are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? Remember, you don’t have to be an expert at what you do to start offering freelance services. Cultivate your skills and improve as you go. Just do adequate research, be passionate about what you do, be willing to learn, and be competent.

Once you identify your top skills or interests, conduct market research. Is it something that people want? Are they willing to pay you for it? and Can you turn it into a successful business venture? If so, move on to the next step;

Decide how you want to present it. Are you going to write eBooks? Will you turn your passion into an online course? Perhaps you’ll join freelancing sites and start bidding for gigs? All methods work. Nonetheless, there are a few steps you need to take to ensure success. For example, once you find the right skill to monetize, build your portfolio and implement the best marketing strategy. If you offer marketing and consultation services, for example, approach local businesses or startups and offer your services at a lower price than what your competition is charging. Once you get three or so clients and help them meet their goals, look for endorsements. By now you should have already created a website and set up social pages for your business. So, add testimonials to your site and business profiles. Ask happy clients to leave a review or rate your services. Use the ratings to get more clients.

Build your portfolio as you go and showcase your work or mention companies you’ve worked with. This proves your credibility and shows you provide the best service. It also encourages potential customers to get into business with you.

Join freelancing sites to find more clients and increase revenue. Identify the best freelancing platforms in your niche and create your account. Complete your profile and make sure you cover the most important details. For example, list all your skills, add links to your portfolio site, add a professional image, write a short and compelling description of your business, and so on.

You can also use your blog and social media platforms to advertise your services. Mention your business on some of your posts and add links to your site on your profiles. Offer discounts and freebies to attract attention. Run contests or competitions to boost interaction. Share how-to guides, cheat sheets, infographics, and ultimate guides to retain your audience and increase traffic.

You can also create handmade products and sell them. For example, if you are great at painting or knitting, you can turn that into a lucrative business. Dedicate time and other relevant resources to making it work and see the results you desire. Create an online store and add your products. Create a Google My Business account and advertise your product. Use social media to raise brand awareness and boost sales. Use Shopify or WooCommerce to build your store.

Another possibility is to start a dropshipping business and get someone else to manufacture and ship your product. This gives you plenty of time to concentrate on other aspects of your business such as marketing and growing your audience. You can dropship on eBay or Amazon.

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Info products are a great income source and can enable you to make as much money as you like. You just have to find the right niche, define your target audience, dedicate your time to the process, and apply effective marketing methods. An information product offers value to your audience and helps them easily solve pressing issues. So, keep that in mind when creating your first product.

Answer the most important questions; What sort of information do you want to provide? Who is your target audience? What solutions are you going to provide? And how are you going to market your product? Answering these questions will help you create something profitable that people want and value. So, find your niche and stick to it. What are you passionate about? What do you like researching? Come up with an exhaustive list and then do a quick Google search for the most common info products. Pick your top 3 or 4 interests and do a comparison check. Is it profitable? Is it something that people want? If so, you have found your niche. Remember, when choosing your area of focus, you have to go for something that you will enjoy doing for years to come. Don’t settle for something that you won’t be interested in a few years down the line. That is how you stay in business.

After deciding on your niche, define your audience. Specify who you are targeting. Identify their challenges, pressing points, and problems. Offer practical solutions and become the go-to person for certain advice and information.

Next, decide on the type of info product you want to create. You can write eBooks, host webinars, do live events, create online tutorials, create a membership site, and so on. Your choice depends on what you are most comfortable with and most importantly what your audience prefers. If you have good writing skills, enjoy content development, and are targeting freelance writers, go for eBooks. If you prefer video, want to share educative material, and are targeting students, create online courses.

Make money from your eBook by selling it on Amazon and promote it on your blog and social pages. Upload your course on educational platforms like Udemy and make money. Find out how others price their courses and implement what works. You can charge as much as $100 per course or $15. I recommend you start at $15 since it’s still early days. You can make a lot of money here. Just focus on providing value and attracting more students. Use discounts and free resources to pique interest. Make the freebies and discounts available only to enrolled students. Promote your course on your social pages, website, or YouTube channel.

Another brilliant way to market your info product is through email marketing. So, build a mailing list and start advertising. Collect emails from existing followers, first-time site visitors, and happy clients. Send them weekly updates before the launch date. Encourage them to engage in business with you by offering massive discounts and offering exclusive content that’s only available to email subscribers and students. You can make a lot of money from your side hustle. You just have to dedicate time and energy to the process. If you select any one of the above-mentioned side jobs and take the subsequent steps, you will be pleased with the results.

All the best!

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