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Facebook is the number one platform to advertise and grow your business on. This is because you can easily market to over 2 billion people across the globe from a single platform.

By taking the right steps and putting the best strategy in place, you can increase traffic, generate more sales, and grow your business for free.

We will cover the best ways to help you achieve just that and meet your marketing goals.


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Your business page gives your organization, product, or service the professional look it deserves. It is the simple and most effective way to raise brand awareness and show users how much you are invested in your business.

Before creating your page, you need to have a Facebook account. So, if you don’t, go ahead and open one. It’s quite easy and you’ll be done in no time. Go to, navigate to ‘Create new account’, and fill in the required details.

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You can now open your business page. Log in to your account and head over to ‘Create.’ Add the name of your business and select the right category that best describes your brand. Add a high-res profile picture and cover photo and click on ‘Continue.’ That’s it! You’ve successfully created your page. You can now edit it as you please.

Go to your newly-created page. Add a description and username. Fill in the remaining details such as contact details, website URL, working hours, and so on. The key thing to note when writing your description is to ensure your audience easily understands your primary focus. So, briefly explain what you represent and help them to easily find and understand your brand.

Use CTAs.

Go to ‘Add a button’, below your cover photo and allow people to easily contact you, send direct inquiries, learn more about your business, or make a purchase. CTAs are a great and convenient way to help users easily navigate to what they are searching for. So, be sure to add one.

Promote your page.

After setting everything up, move on to the equally important step; promoting your page. You want traffic, likes, shares, comments, and purchases. Therefore, do the following to ensure that happens;

Share useful posts.

Your posts determine your success or failure. They speak volumes and play a major role in ensuring your target audience engages with your content. So, share posts that are in line with your brand and encourage conversation. For example, if you are a gym owner, ask interesting questions that will pique the user’s curiosity or record a 5-minute video of some of the best morning exercises to help your followers start their day off right.

Add your business logo to your profile and cover photos. Be consistent. Stick to your primary colors on all posts and add CTAs to some of your posts including images to boost engagement and inspire action.

Pin viral posts.

Pin your finest posts or ones that have more likes, shares, and comments to the top of your business page. Your pinned post is the first thing users see each time they visit your page. This encourages interaction and can lead to more shares.

Add links to your site.

Once you have a decent number of followers, use your page to increase traffic to your site as well as other business platforms. For example, your Instagram page.

Adding links to other pages is a great way to grow traffic, build trust, and establish your brand.

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Ask existing customers to visit your page.

Last but not least, you can ask happy customers to visit your new page, leave a ‘Like’, comment, or review. This will encourage other potential clients to follow or at least take a look at your business, product, or offer.

The biggest milestone is to grow your Facebook traffic and establish trust. Once you accomplish that, there is no limit to how far you can go. You can easily increase traffic to your site, blog, online store, as well as other business pages.


Add value to your audience’s lives and keep them returning to your page by sharing content that will be relevant to them long after publication.

Evergreen content can be repurposed. Meaning you can edit it, take a different angle, and reshare it with your followers.

This is great for SEO and ensures you continue to attract a bigger audience over time.

But how do you achieve that? How do you create timeless content?

Here’s how:

Use an effective strategy.

Come up with a content strategy and center it on what your audience needs, prefers, or finds useful. If you do that, you will not only retain followers but continue to attract more people to your page.

Decide on who your target audience is, discover their pain points or interests, and meet their needs. Avoid posting too much promotional content or sales pitches. Focus on the sort of information that helps to make your followers’ lives easier. The kind that enables them to make better choices where their work or business is concerned. They will love you for it!

Share interactive content.

Interactive content ensures your audience engages with your content and keeps them on your page for longer periods. So, incorporate it into your strategy. Use quizzes, infographics, live videos, webinars, how-to-guides, interactive emails, and so on. The goal is to make sure your followers spend time on your content and take action. So, know what grabs their attention, what they normally search for, and provide the information they need.

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Use different formats.

Share useful and eye-catching posts that keep users thinking “I need to learn more”, “I didn’t know that” or “What else can I find?” Your posts have to keep them coming back to your page, liking, and sharing with friends. Sticking to plain text, zero links, and no images gets boring with time. So, add images to text and links to images. Upload short interactive or informational videos. Add external links to some of your posts. The link can direct the user to your site, blog, or other business pages with high traffic.

You can also link to other sites or interesting articles but stay within your niche. Don’t add links to content that has nothing to do with your chosen niche.

Stick to evergreen topics.

Evergreen topics have a bigger lifespan and can be reshared long after publication. So, use them to boost engagement and retain your audience. Search for timeless topics within your niche and encourage users to search, share, and comment on your posts. For instance, if your main service is to help startups grow their business some of the topics you can use are “8 ways to win in your entrepreneurial journey”, “The best way to grow your startup without spending thousands of dollars” or “Do you really need an accountant to handle your finances?”

These are examples of topics that not only grab your followers’ attention but stay relevant with time.

Your main aim is to keep your audience satisfied and convert them to customers. So, inspire action. Create content that encourages them to take action and conduct business with you. If you apply the previously mentioned tips, you will see the desired results. Don’t forget to add a call-to-action on your posts to make things easier for them.


The best way to get clicks and conversions is to optimize your page. This will help you to rank high on search engines and help people to find and understand your business better.

Take the following steps to ensure results:

Complete your profile.

Make sure you fill in all the required details when setting up your page. For example, the business name, category, address, contact details, website URL, profile photo, username, working hours, and so on. After that, ensure the given information stays up-to-date. Meaning, be available during your stated working hours. If you say you operate from 7 am to 4 pm, be available during that time. You can also share details or changes in upcoming events through your posts.

For example, if an upcoming product launch is going to delay by 6 or so days, add a new image update with the new date and briefly explain the cause of the delay.

Completing page details, staying up-to-date, and using meta keywords and descriptions can help with SEO. It is the key to helping people find and know your business. So, use the right keywords when writing the business description and also on your posts.

Pay attention to the ‘About’ section.

The ‘About’ section helps users to know your service or product better. It is the most important section that helps your audience to understand you and what you stand for. So, be as specific as you can when describing your business. Use keywords for search engine optimization as well.

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Customize your tabs.

Tabs appear below your business name and they help users easily navigate through your page and access the information they need. Add the ‘Products’ or ‘Services’ tab to help people easily learn more about your offer. Include all the necessary details when describing your product or service. You can also add the ‘Photos’ or ‘Videos’ tab, and so forth. It all depends on how you want to structure your content or work.

Go to ‘Settings’, ‘Templates and Tabs’ to customize your tabs.

Use inbuilt templates.

Another option to go with when designing your page is the inbuilt templates. Choose from a variety of templates one that suits your business and gives it the professional look it deserves.

Interact with customers.

Interacting with customers, responding to their questions and comments is a great way to keep them and show potential clients how professional your business is. It shows that you care and value their opinion as well. So, don’t miss an inquiry or ignore comments. When you develop a worthwhile relationship with users, they can leave positive reviews about your product or service.

Reviews help with SEO and are a brilliant way to attract new people to your business. So, ask happy clients to leave a review or a short comment about their experience with your product or simply go to ‘Settings’ ‘Reviews’ then ‘Allow’ to enable them to do so.

Implement the mentioned steps to rank high on search engines and make it easier for people to find you.


Drive traffic and get free exposure by building a community. Communities enable you to reach and advertise to more people at no cost. Once you form long-term relationships with the right people, engage with their content, and give them the best experience with your product, they will become your ‘marketers.’ Meaning, they will recommend your product to their audience or some of their customers.

So, use the following methods to build worthwhile relations:

Open a Facebook group.

Groups have high levels of engagement and help you to connect with people with similar interests. When managed right, they can grow traffic to your site as well as other business pages, and increase sales. So, grow your audience and attract potential clients by creating one.

Open one for your business and use it to understand your followers better. Market your product and easily send notifications to group members. Post at least 4 times a week and avoid overselling yourself. Remember, you want to form meaningful connections, and the only way to accomplish that is by knowing your audience and providing useful information that’s not only centered on your business.

Talk about different things and strike interesting conversations that lead to more engagement. Respond to every comment or question. Share resources or links to sites that will help them meet their goals in some way. Host exciting events such as community or panel discussions. Post new offers, discounts, or exciting deals here and there. The key thing is to share the kind of content that users like, find useful, and interact with best.

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Use Group Insights to track user behavior and find how well you are doing. Insights ensure you use the right strategy and enable you to provide the kind of content that members need and favor.

Create your group by heading over to ‘Group’ and then ‘Create.’ Fill-in the required details such as the name of your group and privacy settings. Invite people to join by adding existing friends or emailing them. Go to ‘Edit group settings’ and complete the required information. Add a cover photo, the group type, description, relevant tags, as well as your location to help people within your geographical location find you. After filling in all the details, link your group to your account. This will help your existing followers to find and join your newly created group.

Join groups within your niche.

Join groups within your niche to connect with like-minded people and be familiar with new trends, updates, information, and so forth. Be an active member. Like and comment on other people’s posts. Ask relevant questions and learn from them. Engaging with their content will make it easier for them to interact with yours or join your group when you ask them to. The more people engage with your content the higher your chances to attract new members to your group.

Retain your audience and grow your traffic by sharing interactive and valuable content. The kind that keeps your followers coming back and curious about what you are going to share next.


Facebook is without a doubt the most effective way to increase traffic and boost sales. Especially when you apply the right techniques to your marketing strategy, set up your page right, and take advantage of the best features to grow your business.

The best way to keep people interested in what you are posting is by knowing the current marketing trends. This not only helps you to come up with an effective strategy but helps you to meet your goals.

So, use the following methods to stay ahead of the pack, grow your audience, and boost sales;

Video posts.

People prefer and interact best with videos and images. So, capitalize on that. Use videos to capture and retain your followers’ attention. You can record a short video with interesting and interactive content. For example, a 5-minute DIY.

Go live and host interesting events or talk about thought-provoking subjects that your audience prefers. Address common issues or have a Q&As discussion. You can even take it a step further and recommend free best software to help make their professional lives easier.

Facebook stories.

Use Facebook stories to share past projects, upcoming events, or interesting product features. Millions of people view Facebook stories each day. So, take advantage of that.

They disappear after 24 hours which means you can add a new story as frequently as you want to using images or videos.

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Facebook Messenger Chatbot helps you to send timely responses to your followers and maintain a good reputation. Convert users to customers by responding to their questions. Help them find what they need and avoid losing them to the competition.

Instant articles.

Instant articles help your users overcome the frustrations that come with slow loading times. They are a fast and efficient way to share stories, increase readership, and retain your audience. They also give you total control over the type of articles you can upload. This means you can share articles from external sites such as your blog as much as you want to.

You also have the option to integrate ads into your articles and make extra money.

Facebook Ads.

Use ads to reach more people and advertise to individuals who have not yet found your page. Market to your target audience and increase your chances to convert browsers to users.

The type of ads you create depends on your goals. So, know what you are aiming for so you can advertise to the right people and achieve your goals. You can create Messenger ads, video ads, slideshow ads, stories ads, and so on.

There is a lot you can accomplish from Facebook ads. The only downside is that you have to pay to advertise but it’s not much compared to what you will gain.


Use Facebook Messenger to gain access to more features such as the Payments feature. Your customers can pay for the purchased product or service via the platform. The best part is that Facebook doesn’t charge you for it.

Other great features to take advantage of are; Facebook Analytics, Messenger, AR or Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Facebook marketplace.

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