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Since close to two decades ago, digital products have been an integral part of the Internet. Both buyers and sellers have benefited greatly from these products. Whether they were looking for ebooks or courses to market to their visitors and subscribers, or they were creators who desired a network of affiliates to perform the selling, there have been a range of options to pick from.

The fact that digital items have generated billions of dollars in revenue demonstrates that they will continue to exist. In the realm of digital products, JVZoo.com has quickly grown to prominence.

JVZoo is an online marketplace for sellers and vendors of digital products. Authors of ebooks, courses, and other digital products can offer their stuff, and affiliates can select the materials to resale.

JVZoo does not sell products, unlike some other sites. It merely acts as an intermediary between sellers and resellers.

In addition, it implies that buyers and sellers interact directly. Thus, immediately upon a sale, the commission is paid straight to the affiliate, and the seller has complete control over refunds. While other platforms refund money as soon as a buyer makes a request, a JVZoo seller can interact with the customer and possibly prevent a refund.

The outcome is an effective and user-friendly platform. It is attracting vendors, who in turn are discovering affiliates.

Affiliates can sell a massive selection of high-quality products, and vendors can access a vast network.

In this report, I’m going to share that information with you. I’m going to explain how to get the most out of JVZoo.


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Affiliates make up a large portion of JVZoo’s membership. They are folks who may already have a following. They may have spent years building subscriber lists and may already have a large list of people eager to hear what things they want to offer them.

Or they may be new entrepreneurs looking to capitalize on the potential available in online marketing without the agony and danger of building their own products.

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That’s pretty simple with JVZoo.

It takes three steps to become an affiliate for a product on JVZoo:

  1. Sign up
  2. Select a product
  3. Market the product


When you visit the JVZoo website, you will be presented with two buttons: “Become A Seller” and “Become An Affiliate.”

Affiliates commit to advertise a seller’s products for a commission in exchange for a listing of the seller’s products. Obviously, once you’ve registered, you can do both, thus it makes no difference which button you select.

After seeing a sales page, you will be presented with a straightforward registration form that requests your full name, email address, etc. You must also provide a phone number to get a verification code by text message.

This is a straightforward matter.

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After completing the signup form, you will be required to connect your PayPal account to your JVZoo account. This is a quick procedure that validates your ability to receive payments. It does not grant JVZoo control over your PayPal cash, and you will not be able to earn money until you’ve completed it.

If you have indicated that you are in the United States, you must additionally submit a W9 form to demonstrate that you are a taxpayer and not a money launderer.


This is when things become more intriguing and complicated.

The “Affiliate Dashboard” option returns you to your statistics. The “Approved Products” section displays all products for which vendors have already granted you approval. By clicking “Find Things,” you can begin searching for products to promote.

The first is your target market.

If you currently have a subscriber list of people interested in Internet business-building, website design, or whatever, there is little purpose in giving them a product regarding piano tuning or pet care. There are B2B items available on JVZoo. There are several B2C products accessible, including courses on gaining more traffic and tools for lead recovery. A guitar-playing instruction manual was one of the most popular products sold on JVZoo.

You will begin your search for a product to promote by selecting a category and subcategory that correspond to your market.

And it should correspond to both the topic and the price that your audience anticipates paying.

Digital product pricing might vary substantially. However, if you offer your audience a $15 product when they’re accustomed to spending $50, two things will occur: First, you’ll earn less money from that promotion than you would if you were giving a more expensive product.

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The next time you sell a $50 product, fewer customers will purchase it. They will ask why they must spend $50 for a product they previously purchased for $15.

Top affiliate sellers have even been known to urge vendors to raise their prices to meet what they know purchasers will pay for high-quality goods.

But the product must be of high quality, which can be determined by examining the statistics.

JVZoo provides a variety of numbers that might direct you to the most suitable product for your audience. They contain the product’s launch date, number of units sold, conversion rate, EPC (Earnings Per Click), average price, commission, and refund rate.

Always, while searching for an affiliate product, you should first consider whether your clients will enjoy and benefit from it.

I’ve encountered individuals who liken their email lists to cash machines. They claim that all they must do to make money is send an email including an affiliate link. That’s not a terrific way to view people, and it certainly doesn’t work if you provide them with inferior items.

Every time you offer a subpar product, you harm your mailing list. To maintain a healthy list over the long run, you must carefully select your offers.

Therefore, when examining the figures at the top of the products, proceed to the far right column.

This is the refund rate, or the percentage of customers who were so dissatisfied with the goods that they requested a refund.

It ought to be as small as feasible.

If a product has a return rate of 15 to 20 percent, you should keep looking. If a product has earned more than 5,000 sales but less than 3 percent in refunds, you’re doing well.

You can click the “refund” link multiple times to sort the products by their refund rates, but you won’t find it particularly useful. New products that have not produced any sales will not have resulted in any returns. Clicking the EPC link to display products by earnings per click and then examining the refund rates of successful products is a superior strategy.


Choosing a product is not an easy choice. You must consider: the compatibility with your audience; the return rate; and the EPC.

Furthermore, the level of competition.

However, this is only for one product. In actuality, there is a considerable likelihood that you will sell multiple products simultaneously. One of JVZoo’s best benefits is the simplicity with which sellers may develop sales funnels.

These procedures enable merchants and affiliates to pitch multiple products to a lead. If a lead declines one offer, he may be automatically down-sold to a lower variant, such as a budget silver membership plan instead of the more encompassing gold plan. Before the lead reaches the final checkout page, he may be upsold another product, like membership in an inner circle, if he makes a purchase.

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The sales funnels can get rather intricate, with upsells and downsells occurring at different phases of the sales process. JVZoo facilitates the creation of these offers for merchants with a wide variety of products. However, they can complicate the process of selecting affiliate products.

The products themselves are typically quite comparable, so if the main offer is appropriate for your target, so should the funnel products. Likewise, refund rates are frequently comparable. However, you must consider two EPC figures: one for the product and one for the funnel. They can be rather distinct.

When comparing these EPC values, you must add the two figures together.


Once you’ve made your pick, you’ll need to obtain permission from the seller to promote the product on his or her behalf.

Sellers are entitled to be picky about who they authorize. You should also be selective when uploading your stuff.

You should ideally know the folks you’re promoting. You should have encountered them at conferences and workshops. You should have exchanged conversations with them in forums or Facebook groups at the very least.

After all, they work in the same industry as you.

However, many merchants will still grant inquiries from persons they do not know. They may just withhold payments until they are satisfied that you are trustworthy.

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If you have no track record, contact the vendor and explain what you want to accomplish. Specify how you want to promote the product, anticipate being Googled, and offer to accept delayed payments. Not all vendors will approve you, but many will, and once you’ve made a few sales, future approvals will be considerably easy.

You’ll also be able to examine some of the seller’s marketing materials on the request page. There might be buttons and banners, as well as sample emails to send to your list.

All of those emails should have been tested, and their effectiveness should be represented in the statistics. But that doesn’t mean you can’t test them and modify them to fit your market if you find a better outcome!

In reality, you should change the email text.

If you can personalize those emails such that your subscribers understand that the offer is coming from someone they can trust, you may discover that you are outperforming the conversion rate indicated on JVZoo.

JVZoo makes it simple to sell affiliate items. You have a large number of products to inspect and evaluate. You’ll have a lot of data to compare and a lot to offer your readers. Simply make sure that anything you offer is beneficial to your buyers, and you should be well on your way to earning money as an affiliate seller on JVZoo.


Selling as an affiliate will allow you to profit from the items of others. However, selling your own goods through other affiliates might earn you significantly more money—provided you have the correct product at the proper quality.

And that you carefully plan and prepare the offer.

JVZoo allows digital product developers to list their things for affiliates to find. That was the simple part!


After you’ve linked your Paypal account to your JVZoo account, you can begin adding products. Unless your products are exclusive, you’ll want them in the Marketplace. Pricing is a little more involved, and you must decide how much you want to charge for your goods. If you’re planning to sell a product on JVZoo, you’ll need to know how much you’ll charge for it. For a solo product, commissions are typically roughly 50% of the sales price.

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For numerous products, a very tiny commission on the core product can be very successful. These include how many things you want to sell and whether you want to give out discounts before or after the launch. Before they can sell on the site, affiliates must agree to a set of rules and regulations. You can reduce the price of your product if the buyer shares it on Facebook. JVZoo will use the affiliate page you generated at the bottom of the previous form if you select “yes” in the affiliate area.

Your consumers will be added to your email marketing list as a result of Autoresponder Integration. There’s a chance you’ll lose roughly a quarter of your clients’ email addresses. JVZoo allows you to enroll your consumers in additional programmes once they’ve joined up. Simply enter the webinar URL and ensure that your webinar is configured to receive only first name, last name, and email address. This will reduce your future email marketing earnings from that list by roughly 25%.


Sales funnels enable merchants and affiliates to offer a number of various items based on a customer’s activity. They are automated sales scripts that display the appropriate items to the appropriate clients at the appropriate time. JVZoo makes its construction incredibly simple. Each entry has two branches: one for an upsell and one for a downsell. You must carefully consider which things to provide when and at what price.

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Ben Littlefield, a JVZoo stakeholder and one of its affiliates and vendors, employs a rather straightforward methodology. The principle is to condition prospects to say “yes”: “yes” to one of the front-end goods and “say yes” to the initial upsell. If you have more than two products to offer, you may have too many upsells and downsells.


Your ability to attract and motivate affiliates will determine whether your product is promoted by hundreds of excited affiliates and flies off the servers with all its upsells, or sits unnoticed and unsold on JVZoo.

JVZoo sellers that are successful at attracting affiliates have done exceptionally well. Alex Cass, for instance, has placed several products on JVZoo. The SEO Omega Conversion and Monetization Software personal licence is one of his least effective investments. It narrowly cracks the site’s top 100 best-selling products on sales volume.

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Still, it has sold more than 9,000 units, with the front-end product selling for approximately $37 and the sales funnel goods for about $30. In comparison to other items on JVZoo, this marketing effort was only somewhat effective, generating around $300,000.

These types of numbers do not occur by chance. They occur when sellers implement the appropriate strategies and make the necessary preparations prior to the launch.


This begins with the development of suitable items. The most popular goods on JVZoo are B2B products. It’s software for help desks or SEO, tools that help users construct mini-sites or generate automatic material for websites, and e-books that explain how to develop the appropriate business.

This is quite typical of the online marketing industry, however these are not the only things available on JVZoo. In reality, the market contains areas such as beauty and exercise, baseball, and eating disorders. Some of the most popular items on the website are B2C offerings that teach individuals how to invest in real estate or choose stocks. One of the bestsellers was a guitar instruction book.

Creating a product aimed at other marketers and business owners will almost surely make it simpler to recruit affiliates.

However, this does not mean you should. A better technique is to build a product on a subject in which you are an expert and for which you can locate your own affiliates.

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That is essential. You must have knowledge of the subject and the market. You should be aware of the best-selling products similar to the one you intend to manufacture, as well as who you would like to see advertising them.

You shouldn’t strive to build a product that will compete on a crowded market against experts who understand the subject better than you do; instead, you should know the industry and work in it.

Your product should enable you to dominate a market segment, which you can then attempt to extend. It should not position you to be smashed by more formidable opponents.


In this research, I’ve discussed some of the most effective tactics used by vendors and affiliates to optimize their income on JVZoo.

For affiliates, it basically comes down to carefully reading the stats. The most successful digital product distributors only offer things that they know their audiences would enjoy. They examine refund rates to verify that the quality is as high as customers want, and they fine-tune their marketing to leverage on the trust that their subscription lists and visitors have in them.

And, of course, they aggressively promote the products in order to boost their chances of winning affiliate contests.

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The strategies for vendors are a little more complicated. Obviously, they must provide good products, typically B2B items that other digital marketers will find valuable. They must set the proper price, write efficient sales copy, and construct sales funnels with compelling upsells and downsells.

And they must find affiliates, preferably people they know or who have prior experience marketing similar products. They must entice them with loss leaders and motivate them with affiliate competitions.

None of this is easy. While JVZoo facilitates Internet marketing, generating and selling digital products requires time and work. It requires planning and preparation.

If you get the plan right, JVZoo will become a crucial element of your online marketing business.

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