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Many people are making 6-figures online. You can too.

All you have to do is start from your first $1,000. Once you make $1000, you can easily make $10,000, $100,000, and more.

There are many products you can create to achieve this goal. However, we will only focus on creating a PLR package and using it to make your first $1K.


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Identify a popular niche topic. The kind that has marketers who are willing to buy your PLR content.

Notice that you are targeting marketers, not end-users. That is because you will be selling to marketers.

The first thing you need to do is find out what sort of PLR content marketers are buying so that you create a profitable product.

Search for bestselling private label rights products on Google and reputable marketplaces like Amazon.

Use keyword research tools like Ahrefs Keywords Explorer, Semrush, Moz Keyword Planner, Google Trends, and AnswerThePublic.

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Use “PLR products”, “Resell rights”, and “PLR.” Identify the most popular topics and pick your niche.

Go on Amazon and search for bestselling products using the same keyword combinations.

Run a Google search using the keywords: “PLR content”, “PLR articles”, “Private label rights products”, “Private label rights content”, “Private label rights articles”, and “PLR membership sites.”

If you see a certain product being offered in a particular niche, it’s a sign that it’s profitable. Pay attention to the sponsored ads as well. If marketers are advertising PLR content or resell rights, it’s another sign that the niche is worth tapping into.

Your goal is to make $1,000. So, pick a niche that allows you to achieve it.

Pick a product you can sell for $100 to reach your goal with 10 sales.


Once you know which niche to focus on, decide what kind of product to create.

The best way to attract buyers and get more sales is to increase the perceived value of your product.

Create a package instead of a single product. Your package should include a variety of PLR content. For example, an eBook, planners, a blog theme, a sales letter, and templates.

Create high-quality content to attract sales. Do adequate research and make sure your content adds value to buyers’ lives.

If your content is well-researched and valuable, marketers will tell their connections about it and get you more sales.

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Make sure you are the only one with the right to resell the PLR license. So that you can profit from your product. Write license terms and don’t offer unrestricted PLR to buyers. This is because if buyers get personal use rights and the right to resell the content with the PLR license, your package value diminishes. Everyone will be selling your product at a lower price. Making it difficult for you to attract sales and profit from the work you put in.

Your license terms should specify how the content should be used. You also have to mention that the author’s name mustn’t be changed. Unless the buyer changes 50% of the content.

Make sure you are the only one with the right to sell PLR licenses to buyers.

Decide how many licenses to sell in total. Since you want to make $1k in a month, sell 100 licenses. This is a great way to ensure buyers don’t have too much competition and helps you earn more for your efforts.


You know what type of product to create and who to sell it to. Now comes the interesting part. Creating your package.

That includes the niche eBook, sales letter, templates, and any other pieces you want to add. Write your license terms and sales page copy. Use the sales letter to convince buyers to purchase your product.

The best way to create a product that sells is to learn from bestselling products in your niche. Check the table of contents, read customer reviews, and read the sales letter copy.

Get ideas from popular products but don’t copy the content.

You can create the materials yourself or outsource the entire project. Another option is to do some of the work and outsource other tasks.


Now that you’ve created your product, it’s time to promote and sell it.

Create a website to increase your chances of attracting sales. Buy a domain name from and hosting from or

Use WordPress to build your site or hire a web developer on Fiverr.

Add a sales page to your website to attract attention and increase conversions.

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Create an effective marketing strategy to reach your sales goals.

Here are the top 8 marketing methods to use:

  1. Social media marketing
  2. Content marketing
  3. Running paid ads
  4. Starting JV partnerships
  5. Starting an affiliate and referral program
  6. Influencer marketing
  7. Email marketing
  8. SEO


You’ve learned effective ways to make your first $1,000 online. Now it’s time to put the plan into action and see results.

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