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One of your goals as a business owner is to increase traffic to your site and make sure prospects visit your sales page.

However, getting people to your site isn’t enough. You have to turn them into customers and increase sales.

I will share 7 tips to help you turn browsers into buyers.


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1. Define your target market

The first thing you need to do is to define your target market. Decide who you want to sell your product to.

Use targeted traffic to ensure your offer gets in front of the right people. You can target your audience based on demographics. For example, age, profession, hobby, gender, income, and geographical location.

You can also define your audience based on the common problems they have and offer a solution with your product.

Once you know who you are targeting, identify their needs. Practice social listening, run short surveys, and study their behavior.

2. Promote the right product

Now that you know your target audience, you have to make sure you promote the right product. The kind that will arouse interest and inspire action.

Determine what sort of product your target audience needs and offer it to them. Identify common challenges or find out what prospects are trying to achieve and sell a product that offers the right solution.

Set the right price. Research how your competitors charge and set your prices accordingly. Make sure the product quality aligns with the asking price. If you want to charge more than your competitors, your offer has to be better than theirs.

Have prospects see how buying your product benefits them.

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3. Write your unique selling point

Identify and add your unique selling point on your sales page or landing page. Tell prospects why your offer is different.

Show them how you are different from the competition and increase your chances of success.

Identify your USP by focusing on the unique features of your product.

Choose a unique selling point that appeals to your audience and differs from the competition.

4. Highlight the benefits

One thing that customers need to know is how they benefit from your offer. So, highlight the benefits on your sales copy and make it easy for buyers to do business with you.

Don’t just list the benefits. Explain them to retain attention and help users understand your product better.

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5. Create a sense of urgency

Create a sense of urgency and make your website visitors feel they will lose out if they purchase your product.

Add a strong call to action that inspires action.

You can add a 50 % discount and emphasize that it’s available for 24 hours. Another option is to state that the discount is available for the first 100 people that will buy your product. This is a great way to get clicks and attract sales.

6. Improve your sales page

Your sales page copy determines who buys your product and who doesn’t. That is why it’s important to invest time in the creation process. Make sure you have an attractive design or layout. Write persuasive copy that captures and retains your audience’s attention.

Make sure users don’t exit your page without reading to the end or clicking on your CTA.

Don’t add links that take users away from your sales page.

If you already have your sales page set up, review it. Remove links that lead to external pages or unnecessary pages.

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7. Do A/B testing

The only way to determine whether your marketing strategy works or not is to run an A/B test. So, A/B test your headlines, call to action, sales copy, and every part of your sales page.

Use Optimizely, HubSpot’s A/B Testing Kit, or Google Optimize.

These tools will help you determine how effective your web pages are. So, you can make the necessary adjustments.


The only way to increase conversions and sales is to turn site visitors into buyers. You want to make sure users don’t leave your page without buying. That is the only way to grow your customer base and business. So, use the tips I shared with you to convert users into buyers and watch your sales skyrocket.

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