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The last thing you want as a business owner is to spend time writing your sales page and fail to get conversions. Unfortunately, that’s what happens to most marketers.

Prospects read your sales copy but never click the ‘BUY NOW’ button. Some won’t even read to the end. They leave your page without learning more about your product or service or discovering the special bonus you offer. Making it difficult for you to grow your customer base and increase your conversion rates.

That is why today we will focus on 5 techniques you can use to write presell reports that ensure conversions so you can start making money.


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1) Pick the right offer

The product or service you promote determines your success. So, pick the right offer to attract sales. Whether you are marketing your product or an affiliate offer.

Understand that your sales copy depends on what you are selling. For example, if you are selling a physical product, the presell report must show prospects how they benefit from using your product. It has to highlight the main features and convince potential customers to buy.

If you are promoting an info product, the presell report should have useful but incomplete information. Give an overview of what your product offers. State what your product offers and only give detailed information on part of a process. Your main goal is to share enough information to show prospects your product is useful but also leave them hanging. So, that they purchase your product.

If you are selling a service, make sure it’s relevant to your audience. Promote a service that your target audience is interested in to attract sales.

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2) Write your report

Once you’ve identified the right product to promote, write your report.

Introduce your product and give an overview of the process. Tell prospects what they need to do to solve an identified problem, mitigate a specified issue, or reach a certain goal.

Introduce your offer and mention that it’s the right solution for their needs.

If you are selling an info product, list the main features. If it’s an info product, list the table of contents or what you cover.

Mention what users will benefit from buying and highlight how your offer is different from similar ones in the market.

Give prospects enough information to understand your offer and get started working toward a certain goal. But don’t give out all the information.

Users will buy your product to access the rest of the information.

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3) Provide social proof

People don’t buy into what you say. They want to see proof of your claims. So, provide social proof and show them how others have benefitted from purchasing your product.

Add client testimonials and ratings.

Share at least one full customer story to influence buying decisions and inspire users to click on your CTA. Talk about how your customer learned about your product and benefitted from it.

Add client images when writing testimonials for credibility.

4) Show value

Your report has to add value to prospects’ lives. It has to help the user learn something new or solve part of an identified problem. This is a great way to show prospects that they will benefit from buying and using your product.

You can offer valuable tips on reaching a certain goal, for example.

The goal is to show and add value to prospects’ lives with your sales letter copy.

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5) Pick a controversial topic

Another approach is to stir up controversy.

Pick a controversial title that arouses curiosity and triggers emotions. For example, if you are promoting a weight loss product, your title can be: “Warning: The Weight Loss Industry Doesn’t Want you to Lose Weight.”

This topic attracts attention, evokes emotions, and leaves users curious about what’s coming next.

So, write controversial topics to boost engagement and get more conversions.

Make sure the title aligns with what you are selling. Explain how your product solves the identified problem and list the benefits that come with using it.

If you write a controversial report, you increase your chances of attracting more views and going viral. People will share with their connections and talk about it.

The most important thing is to make sure you have compelling evidence for whatever controversial stand you take.

After writing your copy, add a compelling call to action. Tell users what to do next.

Add 2 CTAs on your report. Just in case users don’t read to the end. One in the middle of your content and the other at the end.


You don’t have to worry about writing sales pages that don’t convert. Use the 5 techniques covered to write presell reports that retain attention and get conversions.

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