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Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to connect with your target audience and generate leads.

If you have the right strategy in place, you can easily form meaningful relations with prospects, nurture leads, and turn subscribers into long-term customers.

This report will help you create effective email marketing campaigns, keep your readers engaged, improve ROI, and increase your conversion rates.


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The most effective way to see ROI from your marketing efforts is to build your mailing list. Don’t purchase an email list because you will not see the results you desire. Sending emails to individuals who didn’t provide their information or willingly join your mailing list is considered spam. So, don’t do it.

Your emails will be sent to the spam folder and what’s worse is that you will waste your time and resources on the wrong audience. So, to ensure you email people who want to hear from you and are interested in what you are selling, build your mailing list.

Ask your existing social media followers to sign up for your newsletter. Ask every client you get to also subscribe. Mention what they will benefit from your emails to convince them to join. What sort of value will you bring to their lives?

Make sure your emails add some sort of value to their lives and make their lives easier.

Add pop-up forms on your business website or blog and ask visitors to subscribe. List at least 3 things they’ll benefit from doing so. Make it easy for them to take the desired action. Don’t ask for too much information. Ask for their first name, last name, and email address only.

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Send welcome emails to connect with your new subscribers and reassure them that they have successfully signed up for your emails.

Use the welcome emails to grab the recipient’s attention and inspire action. Offer something valuable on your first email to keep them looking forward to the rest of your content. Use giveaways or share helpful resources to get them to click on your links, take the desired action, and open upcoming emails.

The best thing about welcome emails is that when someone provides a wrong email address, your service provider gets notified and removes it from your list of subscribers.

Welcome emails generate more click-throughs, so incorporate them into your strategy and use them to get your reader’s attention.


Personalize your emails to grab the recipient’s attention and generate more revenue. Personalized emails make it easy for users to relate with you, engage with your content, connect with your brand, and continue reading your emails. So, take advantage of that.

Address each subscriber by name to get them to open your emails and make them realize the content is tailored to their needs.

Personalize your subject line, email content, and offer to get more clicks and conversions. Know what your subscribers want and what they are looking for so you can send relevant information.

For example, if someone recently purchased a certain product from your store, your next email should be a thank you email that also includes relevant offers. You can say “Thank you for your purchase. Here are complementary products we think you might be interested in.” Offer additional value to convince them to take the desired action. For instance, you can give them a 30% discount on the next purchase and make it available for 10 days only. Mention that the 30% percent discount is an appreciation for their previous purchase. Most people will hardly turn down such an offer.

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Subject lines determine who opens your emails. So, make them count.

Create noticeable subject lines that raise curiosity, attract attention, and convince subscribers to click on your emails. Keep them short and straight to the point. Highlight the value that the recipient will get from reading your email.

Make sure your subject line clarifies what sort of content the reader will access after opening your email.

Appeal to emotions to improve click-through rates. Write subject lines that raise curiosity, create a sense of urgency, or make readers feel they will learn something from your email.


90 percent of emails that generate more clicks and conversions offer some sort of value to readers’ lives. So, make sure every email you send adds value to your audience’s lives. Don’t focus too much on sending promotional content because you will lose your subscribers.

Share free, high-quality content to get more clicks and keep your readers looking forward to your emails. You can help them reach their professional goals, share tips on how to carry out certain tasks, share links to helpful resources, and so on.

Find out what sort of information your audience wishes they had easy access to and provide the content for free. Identify their needs and cater to them. Learn about their recent challenges and help them mitigate them.

The goal is to publish and send content that users are interested in. The kind that offers value and inspires them to open your emails.

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Most people prefer and engage best with short emails. So, don’t write lengthy emails because chances are, users won’t read them.

If you have to write text-heavy emails, incorporate images, and make sure you structure your content right.

Short emails grab the reader’s attention and ensure your subscribers take the desired action. So., prioritize them.

Keep your emails short, clear, and straight to the point.

Make it easy for readers to understand what the email is about and know the next step to take. Don’t bombard the reader with too much information because it will be difficult to digest it or take the desired action.

Determine what you want to achieve from each email before writing and sending it. Answer key questions; “Why am I writing this email?”, “What do I want to accomplish from it?”, “What action do I want the user to take?”, And “How does it benefit the reader?”


The way you structure your content is important because it makes your emails readable and guides the reader through. So, use the right structure to capture attention, retain it, get more clicks, and increase your conversion rates.

Start with an attention-grabbing headline and then focus on the rest of your content.

Keep the important information at the top to ensure your audience sees it first. Doing this makes it easy for you to grab attention, help readers see what they will benefit from your content, get users to read your entire email, and increases conversions.

If you have to write long emails, structure them right. Write short, clear paragraphs and use bulleted lists or numbering to keep your content readable.

Incorporate images to retain your audience’s attention and keep your content engaging. You can add 1 or 2 images. Depending on how long your email is.

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Some people read emails word by word while others prefer speed-reading. So, keep your emails scannable and make it easy for readers to jump to the information they need.

Use subheadings to make it easy for readers to access the information they need. Use a different font size for your subtopics to show the user that you are sharing a new thought. Keep your subheadings font sizes smaller than the main headline but bigger than the rest of the text. For example, if your headline font size is 24 and your text 14, your subheadings can be 20.

Make sure you cover all the important information that you want to share in your email. Use bolded text or italics to emphasize certain points and draw the reader’s attention to important information.


Interactive emails are key to increasing engagement and getting more clicks. Use them to keep your readers engaged and inspire action.

Make it easy for your subscribers to go through your content and take the next step you desire them to. Add links to external pages, your store, a new offer, and other pages you want them to visit.

If you recently published an article on your blog that is going to benefit your email subscribers, tell them about it and share the link. If you have a YouTube channel and recently shared content that’s going to benefit your readers, share your video URL or embed the video in your email.

Share links to your social media accounts and ask your subscribers to connect with you. Convince them to follow your pages. Tell them what they’ll benefit from it.

Add calls to action to get users to click on specific links and take the desired action. Make sure every email has at least one call to action.

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Preview text is the first line of your email that users see in their inboxes. It determines whether or not people click on your emails. So, write persuasive preview text to raise interest and get subscribers to open your emails.

Keep your text short and easy for people to understand what the content is about. Add key terms and offers relevant to your audience to grab attention and get more clicks. The goal is to capture your audience’s attention with a few simple words and get them to open your emails.


Optimize your calls to action to attract attention, inspire action, and get more conversions.

Know when and where to add your CTAs to increase your chances of getting more clicks. For example, if you want to draw the user’s attention to your new offer, state what the product is, mention how they’ll benefit from it first, and then add the CTA at the end.

If you want to share an interesting article you recently read or links to helpful resources on specific websites, talk about what the subscriber will benefit from visiting those pages, and then add your call to action. Tell your subscribers how you benefited from those articles and how you think they are going to help them reach certain goals or solve specific problems.

Make sure your CTA is clear. Use simple and persuasive language to get more clicks.

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Go through your email copy several times to identify and correct grammar, spellings, and other mistakes. Doing this ensures you write professional and engaging emails that are easy to read.

Mistakes are common when writing. That is why you need to ask someone to proofread your work. Ask one or two people from your team to go through each email you write and highlight errors. Especially if you are writing long emails.

Another option is to use grammar and spelling checker tools like Grammarly, ProWritingAid, Hemingway Editor, and Google Docs.


A/B test your email content to find out what works and doesn’t. If you are not getting the attention you need and failing to get more conversions, run an A/B test.

Test your subject lines, images, CTAs, the length of your emails, and so on.

Decide what sort of information you want to share with your audience and write it in two different ways to see which one gets more engagement. Use different headlines and different CTA colors. Add an image on one copy and only use text on another. Write a short message on one copy and a long one on another.

Split your audience to easily measure performance. For example, if you have 500 email subscribers, divide them into two. Send one version of your email to 250 subscribers and the other to the remaining half. Find out the one that gets more interaction and conversions and use the same method on your upcoming emails.

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Decide how often you are going to email your subscribers and stick to the schedule you create. Make sure your audience knows how often they’ll receive your emails and at what time. Doing this boosts interaction and makes it easy for your subscribers to constantly engage with your content because they know when you are going to send the next email.

Let your subscribers decide how often they want to hear from you because different people have different schedules. Some may want to receive your emails daily while others prefer weekly content.

So, create different options when signing users up and let them choose how often they want you to email them. It could be daily, weekly, or monthly. Depending on what users want as well as what you want to achieve.


Remember that your subscribers have different needs, interests, and buying habits. So, make sure to send relevant content and cater to various needs.

Split your subscribers into smaller groups and send content that appeals to their needs and gets them to take the desired action.

Come up with an effective strategy that helps you connect with your subscribers and get them to engage with your content. Divide your list into groups and meet different individuals at their point of need.

One group can be a list of people who always open your emails and take the desired action. Another one can be of people who always open your links but never click on your CTAs. And the last one can comprise subscribers who barely open your emails.

Create content that’s relevant to those audiences to increase your chances of success. For example, find out why certain individuals open your emails but never use your CTAs, improve your email copy and get them to click on your links.

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Most people overlook their email signatures but they are as important as the content itself. So, sign all your emails including automated ones to personalize them and easily connect with your subscribers.

Add a salutation and the sender’s name at the end of each email. For example, you can say “Thank you for reading my email. Looking forward to sharing the next issue. Have a brilliant day” and then add your name.


The purpose of writing emails to prospects is to connect with them and turn them into customers. The only way to achieve that is by making it easy for them to reach out to you and share their thoughts whenever they want to. So, don’t use a no-reply email address.

Only use an email address that they can respond to. Doing this makes it easy for your subscribers to share their feedback, ask any questions they may have, and shows that you value their opinion.

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One thing that makes it difficult to see a return on investment from your marketing efforts is keeping subscribers who don’t read your emails. You may have 6000 email subscribers and only 1000 who open your emails, engage with your content, and buy your product.

While it is important to grow your mailing list, you need to focus on strengthening worthwhile relations and turning subscribers into customers. The best way to do that is to concentrate more on active users.

So, identify people who haven’t opened your emails in 8 or so months and remove them from your list. This may seem like a bad idea, but it will help you in the long run. You will easily manage the new list, track performance more effectively, and improve your conversion rates.


Automate some of your emails to save time and ensure you always send the right message to the right people.

Some of the emails to automate are your confirmation emails, welcome emails, thank you emails, cart abandonments, and event-based emails. For example, if you have an interesting event you are promoting or an upcoming product launch, easily contact your subscribers, raise anticipation, constantly share relevant information, and keep them updated and looking forward to the launch date.

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Last but certainly not least, use the best email marketing tools to save time, create automated emails, write professional emails, segment your lists, and gain access to countless features that will raise your conversion rates.

Some of the best tools to look into are MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, HubSpot Marketing Hub, Active Campaign, GetResponse, Sendinblue, and Moosend.

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