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Your goal as a business owner is to make money and grow your customer base. The best way to achieve that is to attract prospects and get them to favor your business above the competition.

You need to have an effective marketing strategy and get potential customers talking about your brand. Fortunately, Facebook groups make it easy for you to achieve that.

You can use them to connect with potential customers, identify their pain points, and build long-term relations. The best part is that creating and joining Facebook groups is free. You don’t have to pay anything. All you have to do is come up with a strategy that will allow you to reach your goals.

Today we are going to talk about 10 profitable ways to leverage Facebook groups for your business.


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Facebook allows you to join up to 6 000 groups so it can be tempting to join as many groups as you like. However, if you want the groups to work for you, you have to identify and join high-quality ones that will help you reach your goal. Join groups relevant to your niche and ones that will help you find your potential customers.

Only focus on ones that prospects prefer as well as ones that people within your industry favor.

Knowing the right groups to join ensures you market to the right people and increases your chances of success.

Participating in too many of them can make it difficult for you to share regular content, build meaningful relations, and reach prospects. So, join at least 3 and no more than 6.

Remember, your goal is to connect with potential customers, generate leads, and get them interested in your brand. Therefore, having fewer groups will help you achieve that.

When choosing the right groups to join, consider your niche or line of business. Search for groups within your industry that attract people who are interested in your product or service and become a member. This is a great way to form relations with the right people, generate leads, and ensure sales.

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Know your potential customers and identify groups they are likely to participate in. Define your target audience, identify their needs and join groups they favor.

Answer key questions: Who is your customer? What are their common needs or challenges? How does your product or service offer a solution? And what is the best way to attract their attention and get them interested in your offer?

When you define your audience and identify their pain points, find out where they search for offers related to yours and make it easy for them to find you.

Search for groups based on the keywords used by potential customers to find certain products or services. You can find groups by industry, location, or interest. For example, if you focus on online marketing and are looking for groups preferred by startups, your keywords should be “online marketing”, “startups”, “SEO”, “raise brand awareness”, and “increase your conversions.”

In addition to using keyword search, pay attention to groups Facebook suggests to you including ones near you, friend’s groups, popular within your area, and so on.

Another effective method is to ask your existing customers and fellow entrepreneurs which groups they are a part of and join.

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One mistake that most startups make is sharing too much promotional content. No one will take interest in what you are sharing if you focus too much on promoting your brand.

People want to know that you are concerned about catering to their needs or helping them reach certain goals. They want to see that you care about making their lives easier and not just making money.

The best way to prove this is by first sharing valuable content and advertising your offers later. Focus on adding value to their lives and building meaningful relations to make it easy for them to take interest in your business.

Share links to useful resources, talk about the latest industry news and engage with other people’s posts. Be active in every group you are a part of and leave noticeable and helpful comments to attract attention.

Like, share, and comment on other posts to get them to interact with your content and visit your profile.

Focus on building authority and helping other members reach certain goals. This is a great way to prove credibility, get prospects interested in knowing more about your brand, and increase your conversion rates.

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Be authentic and have genuine conversations. Enjoy the time you spend discussing certain topics with fellow group members even if it has nothing to do with selling your product.

Show interest in other brands. Including their posts and their journey. When someone poses a question you are knowledgeable in, respond and share your opinion.

Don’t spend half the time thinking about how you can best market your product or service to certain people within the group. Instead, focus on showing empathy and establishing meaningful connections.

Only promote your offers once people start engaging with your content. When they start reacting to it. For example, leaving comments, likes, and sharing some of your posts.

Talk about interesting offers such as freebies and available discounts. Promote upcoming events that group members will be interested in.

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Share links to some of your interesting blog posts and business pages that feature exciting offers relevant to your audience. Be human. Share some of your personal experiences or moments that will get fellow group members to easily connect with you at a personal level. For example, you can talk about some of the challenges and setbacks you’ve had working toward a certain goal.

Talk about your failures, disappointments, victories, goals, or even company events that didn’t turn out as expected. Doing this not only increases traffic to your site but ensures sales. That is because people prefer engaging in business with brands or companies that they feel connected to at a personal level.


Once you join the right groups, build industry authority, connect with other members, get them interested in your posts and offers, create a Facebook group. It will be easy for you to get more people to join because you’ve already formed relations and established trust in other groups.

When people value your content and see you care about helping them reach their goals, they will gladly join your new group.

Optimize it for SEO. Use meta keywords and descriptions when setting it up. Add 2 or more phrases that potential customers use to search for services or products related to your offer. This is the best way to boost visibility and ensure prospects find you.

Use your group to strengthen relations, attract new customers, help prospects understand your business better, and market your business.

Having your own group makes it easy for you to identify customer needs and cater to them. It is key to raising brand awareness, building an engaged community, and turning members into customers.

Boost engagement and get the results you want by setting clear guidelines and rules. Make sure everyone who joins understands what’s expected from them and the kind of behavior that won’t be tolerated.

State what the group is about, the type of posts allowed, the type of content that isn’t allowed, and what sort of action will be taken if a group member violates the given laws.

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Post regularly and encourage members to share their opinion, content, and thoughts. That way, there’ll be more conversations, a strong sense of community, and it will be easier for you to get people to know your brand better.

Know the type of group ideal for your business to increase your chances of success.

You can either create a public group or a private group.

A public group is visible to everyone and allows any Facebook user to join and post content. It’s ideal if you want to reach more people and quickly grow your audience. However, you have to pay attention to the type of content people post and the conversations held.

A private group prompts the user to ask for permission to join and in some cases, answer certain questions before their request is granted, and agree to adhere to rules set by group admins. It is best if there’ll be a lot of personal information shared, you want to easily monitor conversations or attract a specific group of people.

Growing your private group can take time but with the right content strategy, you will reach your goals.

Decide which group is best for your business and use it to build an online community, improve your marketing strategy, and enhance sales.


Once you create your group, make sure users discover it. Promote and grow it to attract more people, reach a bigger audience, and ensure success.

One of the best ways to grow your group is to advertise it to your existing group communities. So, promote it on groups you joined earlier before creating your own to get more people to become members.

Convincing them to join won’t be difficult because you’ve already formed relations, established authority, and gained trust.

Cross-promote on other social networks to reach more people and increase your chances of getting more sales.

Use your business pages to advertise your group and ask people to join. You can share a link to your group or share some of your interesting posts or conversations. The goal is to attract attention and get people excited about participating.

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Ask existing members to share and promote your group to their connections. Including similar groups that they are a part of.

Use targeted Facebook ads to speed up the process. The best thing about this is that you can set up your ads whichever way you want, specify your target audience, state your goal, track results, and so on.

Target people based on interests to make sure your ad reaches the right audience.

Go to ‘Ads Manager’ and create your ad.

You can also boost your best posts on your page to get more people interested in joining your group.


Identify pain points and pay attention to questions asked by members and the discussions they have.

Know what prospects want and cater to their needs. Offer solutions with your product or service. Find out how you can help members mitigate challenges or reach certain goals with your offer.

Ask engaging questions to attract attention and keep the conversation going. Ask potential customers what they are looking for. For example, things that will make their lives easier, what they wish they had easy access to, and so on.

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When you identify their needs, offer practical solutions with your product and make it easy for them to choose it over the competition. The best way to do this is to charge less for the same product or charge the same amount but add extra value.

If you have upcoming events or interesting promotions, advertise and talk about them in your group.

Get prospects excited about the event and encourage them to share it with their contacts.


The success of your group depends on how engaged members are. The more people are active in your group, the higher your chances to increase sales.

So, come up with an effective content strategy to boost engagement and keep people from leaving your group.

Post regularly and respond to comments and questions on time.

Create visual content to capture attention and retain your audience. Use high-res images and videos.

Plan and schedule your content with social media posting and scheduling tools like Hootsuite, Sendible, Buffer, and Sprout Social.

Add calls-to-action on your content to get users to take the next step and buy. Share links to your external pages such as your store, the services page, or the pricing page.

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Next, monetize your group and let it work for you. As an admin, you can choose any group type you want when setting it up. Your page can also be an admin to up to 200 groups.

So, you can create two groups under different group types to increase your chances of success.

One can be a private or public group whose sole purpose is to raise brand awareness, connect with prospects, understand their needs, and occasionally market your offers. Another one can be a buy and sell group where you and other members sell your products and search for items to buy.

A buy and sell group can help you reach your goals faster because you will be advertising recurrently and to people who are also promoting their products and searching for things to buy.

Another way to monetize your group is through affiliate marketing. So, join reputable affiliate programs and promote products or services relevant to your audience.

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You can also pin a post on your group that calls for creators and entrepreneurs to advertise in it. This works best if you have many group members and high engagement metrics.

You get paid on commission.

Create a private group and monetize it. Create exclusive content, webinars, live events, and so on, and charge subscription or membership fees.


The best way to succeed is to measure results. So, test the effectiveness of your content strategy to identify what’s working and areas that need improvement.

Test your content to see what your audience prefers. Especially if your group’s purpose is to boost engagement and raise brand awareness.

Identify posts that have more comments, shares, and likes. What are people discussing? What attracted them to the post? And how can you use it to your advantage and market your offer?

Focus more on the type of content that gets you the attention you need and use it to connect with your audience.

Post similar content, join the most popular discussions and keep the conversation going.

Reshare posts by other group members to capture attention and boost engagement.

Identify posts that aren’t getting the attention you need and make the necessary adjustments. Determine why they don’t appeal to your audience and make the necessary changes.

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Compare them to ones that are doing well and look for ways to improve them. You may have to change the image used, convert text to video, add clear calls-to-action, use an informal tone, and so on.

If your post doesn’t get the attention you need after making all possible adjustments, delete it or stop using similar posts.

Use Facebook’s Brand Collabs Manager to partner up and connect with other brands or creators. This is a great way to monitor and increase engagement metrics.

The tool can also help you to identify and partner up with brands that want to promote their services or products to your followers.

You can also collaborate with other brands on branded content campaigns to boost engagement, generate leads, and enhance sales.

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