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Mass production is the best way to increase company productivity, streamline production time, ensure passive income, reduce production costs, and get more sales.

However, it can be challenging, demanding, and lead to losses when not done right.

If you don’t plan or fail to do proper research, making profits and succeeding can be difficult.

That is why today we’ll cover 10 secrets to mass create products and help you avoid failure.

Let’s dive in!


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Mass production can lead to failure and financial losses when not done right. So, don’t jump straight into building your products without understanding them.

You have to understand the processes involved and make sure that each product you create has market demand.

So, brainstorm ideas and decide what sort of products you want to create.

Answer key questions: “What digital products can I create to reach my goals?”, “What sort of people am I targeting?”, “Is there market demand?”, “How much money do I need to raise for this particular project?”, “Do I need to pick a new skill to move it forward?”, “Can I outsource some of the work”, “Is it profitable?”, “How can I ensure profits?”, and “What is the best way to mass create without incurring losses?”

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Answering those questions saves you time and money. It is key to succeeding in your venture.

To succeed with your project, you have to focus on what you are passionate about. So that when you encounter challenges along the way, you won’t quit.

You’ll fix your mind on your goal and keep moving forward.

When brainstorming ideas, consider your strengths and weaknesses.

Identify tasks you’ll handle and ones your team will focus on for efficiency.


Selling digital products can help you reach your financial goals and ensure passive income.

You can make 6 figures yearly if you do it right.

However, if you don’t have the right strategy in place, earning from your project can be difficult.

That is why it’s important to validate your product ideas before executing them.

Know the kind of products that sell and ones that don’t do so well.

Find out what needs to be done to ensure sales and profits. For example, research the best ways to market that specific product and incorporate different pricing strategies to get more conversions.

The best ways to validate your idea are to do keyword research, ask for customer feedback, and create a minimum viable product (MVP).

Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, KWFinder, Google Trends, Ahrefs Keywords Explorer, Semrush, and Moz Keyword Explorer.

Search for topics or phrases related to the product you want to offer and learn about market size. For example, how many people search for your product? And Can you make money from it?

Ask prospects for feedback. Find out what they think about your product and whether or not they’d be interested in buying.

Use your social media platforms and email newsletter to gather feedback.

If people are interested in what you want to sell, you may have a profitable business venture.

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So, create a minimum viable product and see how it performs. Send it out to prospects for free and ask for their feedback.

For example, let’s say you want to write 100 eBooks in a year. Don’t just focus on the writing part and neglect your targeted readers.

Talk to them about the sort of content you want to curate and find out whether they’d be interested or not.

Write one book that focuses on the subject or niche you want to cover and give it away.

Create a mailing list to get subscribers and share book releases with them as you publish.

Ask readers to download and read your free book. Ask them to share their opinion and let you know whether they’ll be interested in reading more of your publications.

Find out how many people read your book, how many subscribed to your newsletter, and how many reviews you get.

If prospects show interest in your project, go ahead and work on your project because you are guaranteed to make sales.


The only way to turn any business venture into a success is to solve people’s problems.

When prospects know you have a solution to their problems and can help them mitigate certain challenges, you’ll never run out of business.

They’ll keep engaging with your brand and buying from you because you add value to their lives.

So, make sure your product offers a solution to an identified problem. It will guarantee sales, reduce losses, and improve productivity.

Consider the competition and improve on their weaknesses to ensure conversions.

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Identify your top 5 competitors and spy on them.

Check their pricing strategies, marketing strategies, and product features. Focus on strengths and weaknesses. Look for the best ways to improve on their weaknesses and offer clients what the competition isn’t.

For example, let’s say you want to create video courses. Go through the content that your top 5 competitors offer and highlight where they are lacking.

You can add a valuable free resource or service that the competition isn’t offering to get the attention you need.

Identify your value proposition to capture attention and get more business.


Once you’ve completed your research and know there is a market for your products, determine how you are going to handle the production and business processes.

For example, what sort of processes are involved in the project? What systems do you need to use to start the project and keep it moving forward? How many employees do you need? How long will it take you to complete the project? Do you have to divide it into different phases? How much money do you need for the development process, salaries, and the overall success of the project?

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Raise enough money to handle all processes to prevent failure.

The last thing you want is to stop the project halfway through because you’ve run out of cash. This will make it difficult for you to reorganize everything and continue with the project later on.

So, determine how much money you need to mass create and ensure success.

Factor in all the costs to avoid failure.


Document project requirements before starting the mass creation process. It helps you and your team understand where you are going, work effectively, and keep the project moving forward.

Your project requirements document should define the purpose of the project, what you want to achieve, cost, scope, tasks to be completed, features, deliverables, and a working schedule.

Requirements serve as guidelines and ensure you and your team have one vision and work toward the same goals.

They make it easy for you to establish goals, assign tasks, track performance, and meet deadlines.

When writing your project requirements document, include uptime requirements for services, fault tolerance, data storage capacity, communication systems, and backup processes.

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Seek input from different departments in your organization when creating your PRD to ensure productivity.

That includes your board of executives, production staff, marketing team, and sales personnel.

Go through the documentation when it’s completed and work with team leaders for final approval.

You can have a meeting that comprises team leaders only when evaluating the PRD.


To mass create and succeed, you need to have the right people on your team. You have to make sure they can handle the assigned work and stick to the schedule while delivering quality.

The success of your project doesn’t just depend on your potential customers and your key roles. It depends on the kind of people you work with as well.

If you have the right people on your team, you can reach your goal. If not, failure is inevitable.

That is why it’s important to carefully consider who you work with.

When you’ve chosen the right people for your current project, encourage teamwork.

Make sure everyone works together to reach the set goals.

Keep your staff motivated to work and make it easy for them to do so.

Enhance teamwork by encouraging frequent communication, building trust, using rewards, and clearly defining roles.

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Make it easy for employees to communicate with you when they come across challenges as they work.

Encourage them to express their opinions about the project and share feedback as they work.

This will make it easy for your staff to work efficiently, deal with problems effectively, and meet deadlines.

Build trust between you and your employees. If you promise to do something, keep your word.

For example, if you’ve promised to invest in automation software so you can automate certain business processes and reduce workload. Set a date and make sure you incorporate the software into your business processes as you promised.

Keeping your word is key to building trust and ensuring employee productivity. So, prioritize it.


Create a working schedule and develop an effective organizational structure to ensure project success.

Make sure everyone sticks to the schedule to avoid complications down the road and ensure you reach your main target.

Consider your employee skill levels and availability when creating your schedule.

Assign tasks based on their strong points and have a list of workers who can take extra shifts.

Talk to employees with more experience about working extra hours and sending in more work.

Discuss salaries and pay them for the extra time.

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This will not only encourage your best employees to take extra shifts but underperforming ones to work harder.

It helps you reach your production goals faster while ensuring everyone involved benefits.

Identify people you want on your new project, assign roles, and publish your working schedule early to ensure everyone sticks to it.

Make sure every member of your team understands their roles and responsibilities. Make sure they are aware of the deadlines and know when they are expected to submit work.

If they encounter challenges and might fail to reach set goals, encourage them to communicate in advance.

State that problems or challenges must be reported the minute they occur so you can all arrive at a solution and ensure the project keeps moving forward.


Streamline business processes to improve workflow efficiency, increase employee productivity, and meet deadlines.

It is easy to waste time on things that don’t contribute to project success. You may focus too much on how to work on the project and fail to do the actual work.

You could spend too much time on employee onboarding, work allocation, perfecting your to-do list, and quality inspection and end up complicating the whole project or failing to start work on time.

So, identify things you waste time on and automate them or use work management software.

ProWorkFlow and ProofHub are some of the best apps you can use to manage workflow and streamline your processes.

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Study the processes you want to automate and make sure they are worth it because the resources you spend on streamlining must not go to waste.

You have to ensure ROI and determine how automating certain processes benefits the project.

Do you save time or money? What areas of your project will benefit from automation? And Does automation allow for growth once there are changes in the development process and you want to take your project to the next level?

Automate the right processes and make sure automation doesn’t interfere with business growth. Meaning it should be easy for you to continue operating when changes come and you have to take the project to the next level.


The platform you sell your products on matters. It can determine who buys from you and who doesn’t.

The right platform can help you reach more people, increase your conversion rates, and boost sales.

The main reason some people fail to turn their digital products into money-making machines is that they are not using the right platforms.

In some cases, it’s that they are not using enough platforms to promote their products on.

So, know the right platforms to sell your products on and determine how many you need to use to get more sales.

A few things to consider when choosing your platform are the type of product you are selling, your goals, costs, your budget, and limitations. Such as the platform features and policies.

Know what you can and can’t do on the platform. Find out what sort of payment methods you can accept from your customers.

Read the rules and regulations and adhere to them.

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Make sure the platform you choose gives you the flexibility you need and allows you to reach your goals.

Sell on more than one platform to increase your chances of success.

Some of the best online platforms to sell your digital products on are Gumroad, Amazon, Etsy, Sellfy, Udemy, E-junkie, and your e-commerce store.

The platform you choose depends on the type of product you are selling.

Make sure you research the platform before using it. Select one that’s the best fit for your product to ensure project success.


Security should be your number one priority because your online businesses are vulnerable to cyberattacks.

If you don’t protect your data, you risk business failure.

So, protect your internet traffic, data, and devices.

Install a dependable firewall on your network, use antivirus to protect your devices, keep your software up-to-date, use stronger passwords, change login information regularly, test for vulnerabilities often, use multi-factor authentication, use different addresses for different accounts, and make sure you are GDPR compliant.

Talk to your staff about the importance of online security and avoiding cyberattacks.

You can get an IT expert to train your employees about standard online security measures. Such as browsing the internet safely, not sharing login credentials with anyone, using stronger passwords, and avoiding online scams.

Make sure your staff understands common cybersecurity risks and how to prevent them.

Come up with an effective risk management strategy that will help you handle attacks as they come.

Your strategy should include steps to identify risks, assess them, and manage them.

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It should outline what needs to be done when certain disasters occur so that you can continue operating even after an attack.

Have a backup plan and store your important files so that you will have a recovery point when you lose your data.

You can use cloud storage, for example. It will make the data recovery process easy after an attack happens.

Your project won’t be put on hold because you have what you need to continue operating and know how to recover your lost data.


You need proper research, an effective organizational structure, the right team, and the right platform to mass create products and succeed.

You have to understand the product you want to offer and the costs involved.

You need to assess the market and determine whether there is a need for your product or not. So that you can prevent losses and ensure profits.

So, do adequate research, understand your project, write a project requirements document, hire the right people, create a working schedule, streamline business processes, and sell on more than one platform to succeed.

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