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Launching your business is one of the most exciting things that can ever happen to you as an entrepreneur. After all the hard work and extra hours, you finally get to see your idea come to life.

However, what happens when you fail to reach as many people as you desire? What happens when you don’t get as much attention as you need?

Countless people struggle to grow their audience and increase traffic to their websites, blogs, as well as other business pages and if you are one of them, you’ve come to the right place.

I will help you appeal to the right audience and ensure you get more visitors so you can start seeing favorable results for your efforts.


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Your website is the most important advertising tool that your business has. Therefore, it must be professional, attractive, and easy to use. You want to ensure site visitors stay longer and easily navigate through your content. So, keep the design simple and user-friendly. Communicate effectively and make sure users can quickly access the information they need.

Next, work on your site speed. How long does it take to get to the homepage, load images, or move from one page to another? If users have to wait 5 or so seconds for your page to load, they will easily go to another site. So, improve your website performance and speed. Give your visitors the best experience and don’t force them to go to the competitor’s site. Use WebPageTest or PageSpeed Insights to analyze overall performance and get tips on how you can improve your site.

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Some of the most common things that slow down your site are large images and videos. So, check image sizes before uploading them or compress them using TinyPNG. This will greatly improve your site speed and keep users on your site.

Optimize your site for mobile. Make sure it is mobile-friendly and accessible via any device. This is by far the best way to increase traffic and boost engagement because millions of people prefer using their phones and enjoy the flexibility that comes with browsing anywhere anytime. If your site is mobile-friendly users will stay on it longer and engage with your content better.


Next, make sure it is discoverable by optimizing it for SEO. Implement the best SEO practices for visibility and ensure it ranks high on search engines. Target the right keywords and add them to your headlines and throughout your content. Use KWFinder or Google Keyword Planner to find the most common or high-ranking phrases around your niche and incorporate them into your strategy.

Rank high on the SERPs by using meta titles and meta descriptions on every page. Get users to click on your links by giving them a reason to. Write attention-grabbing and intriguing descriptions. Include two or more keywords on both your title and description. Briefly explain what users will find when they follow the link. Convince them that your page contains the information they need. Use persuasive and interesting language to pique their interest. When they visit your site, make sure they find the exact information you promised.

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Use meta tags, meta titles, and meta descriptions on every page to improve your rankings and greatly increase traffic.


Use your existing social networks to get more site visitors. If you have a huge number of followers on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn, advertise your product or service to them. Talk about your store or website and ask them to check it out. Add links to your profile across all platforms. Mention your site on some of your best posts and leave a link. Add a simple CTA for more clicks. Briefly explain what users will find when they follow the link.

If you are only starting and have a few followers, you can still make it work. Build connections with the right people or ones who are interested in what you are offering. Join relevant groups and be active on all channels. Create original content or reshare useful articles to grab people’s attention.

Share interactive and well-researched content. Use high-res images and professional videos. Add your website URL to your images and video descriptions. Add a call-to-action to encourage more clicks and ensure your followers visit your site. For example, if you are in the tech business, you can compile a software comparison article and post it on your site. Use “Top 10 free software every freelancer should have” as your headline. Share the post on your social accounts. And add a ‘Read more’ or ‘Go to article’ button that directs users to the rest of the article and your site. People will hardly ignore something that’s designed to make their lives easier or help them meet a certain goal. So, share helpful content to increase traffic to your site.

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Participate in relevant conversations and share your opinion. Leave useful and constructive comments. When someone posts something you like, hit ‘Share’ or ‘Like.’ Encourage people to engage with your content by engaging with theirs. Learn from influencers. Find out how they command attention and retain it. How do they present their content? What sets them apart? And what sort of information generates more likes, comments, and shares?


Reach your goals faster by having a specific audience and catering to their needs. Don’t market to everyone and anyone. Identify your target market, build relations with them, and continue to grow your audience. Decide who you want to market to and do your research. Find out their pressing needs, challenges, or problems and offer effective solutions. You can choose your audience based on age, gender, education level, career, and so forth.

Once you know your target audience, find out their preferred information sources. Where do they spend most of their time? Are they Facebook fans or YouTubers? Perhaps they love pictures and favor Instagram? Do they prefer videos, images, or text? When you figure that out, be more active on that platform. Post as regularly as you can. Stay active and respond to comments as well as inquiries on time.

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Your main aim is to form meaningful relations and build trust. So, offer practical advice, ask for their opinions, react positively to criticism, and always share helpful information. If you do this, you will get positive responses when asking for reviews.

Reviews are your best marketing tool because they show potential customers that you can be trusted. They prove that your business is legit and people favor your product or service. This will make it easy for prospects to engage in business with you and trust you with their money. So, ask for reviews and add them to your site and relevant profiles.


Create viral content to connect with your audience at a personal level and keep them interacting with your posts. Add links to your viral post on your social accounts and increase traffic. Post and mention it to your followers and subscribers.

Write your first viral article by applying the best practices such as learning from top blogs, focusing on on-demand topics, and sharing interesting valuable information. Identify top bloggers within your niche and visit their blogs. Read at least three of the most popular articles. Pay attention to the headlines, the content structure, and the tone used throughout the post.

What is the main thing that piqued your attention and attracted you to the article? Did the headline make you curious, angry, or inquisitive? Use the same tactic when coming up with your title. Next, focus on the content layout. How is it structured? How did the writer grab your attention and keep you reading to the end?

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A well-structured and attention-grabbing post includes at least three things; subheadings, short paragraphs, and at least one question within the content. So, use that method in your content creation strategy.

Leverage the power of evergreen content. Publish articles that will stay relevant for longer periods. Focus on topics that are in great demand and allow you to publish timeless content. For example, if you are an SEO expert, use “10 ways to rank high on the SERPs” instead of “10 ways to reach your SEO goals in 2021.” Doing this will help you easily repurpose your content and reshare it.

Add the ‘Share’ button on each post to encourage users to share with their connections. Link to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so on.


Next, when you have managed to build trust and become the go-to-person for specific advice, build your mailing list. Use email marketing to get more traffic to your website or blog. Collect emails from existing clients, ask your followers to subscribe to daily or weekly updates, and ask first-time site visitors to leave their email addresses.

Explain what they are signing up for and convince them to do so. Create a product that is only available to subscribers to encourage signups. You can offer exclusive content, discounts, coupons, or giveaways. Give them something valuable that will keep them interested in becoming long-term subscribers.

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Keep your emails short and straight to the point. Share useful information such as updates, upcoming events, interesting promotions, and so on. Avoid promotional content and only advertise your product or service here and there. You want to share more helpful content instead. Such as links to useful resources, the latest news around your niche, interesting information about certain products or services, and so on. That is how you build trust and show you are an expert at what you do.


Use different advertising methods and techniques to raise brand awareness, increase traffic, and convert visitors to paying customers. Advertise via word-of-mouth. Mention your site to friends and workmates. Ask them to check it out. Tell them about your business and what they’ll find when they visit your website. Give them a compelling reason to do so.

Use online advertising for visibility and to reach thousands even millions of people. When done right, online advertising can greatly increase the number of daily web visitors. However, assuming you want those visitors to turn into clients, you have to change your approach a little. For instance, target your ads to certain individuals or companies that have the potential to become customers. Don’t just advertise to everyone or anyone.

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Use paid ads to customize your settings and select the people or businesses you want to advertise to. For example, Facebook ads, Instagram ads, and LinkedIn ads enable you to do that. Your ad gets displayed on the pages of specific individuals who have either visited one of your products or shown some sort of interest in your business, in the past.

Create professional and eye-catching ads to command attention and ensure the right people click on them. Use high-res images and videos. Share clickable content. Add a simple call-to-action to your image or video. This will help users easily get to your site without following too many external links.


Create a blog to build authority within your niche, connect with your followers, and increase web traffic. Countless influencers use blogging to keep their followers and help them meet their goals by continuously providing helpful content that’s well-researched and up-to-date. So, use the same method to achieve your business goals.

Find something interesting to blog about. Choose a topic that you are knowledgeable in or one you enjoy researching. Know what your target audience wants and give them precisely that.

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Offer useful advice, share how-to guides, DIYs, quizzes, and so on to boost engagement and keep them coming back. Get more views and shares by sharing highly-interactive content that your audience loves. Incorporate videos, interview thought-leaders whenever you can, and feature influential people within your industry.

Connect with other bloggers and write articles on their blogs. This is the best way to not only advertise yourself but get more site visitors. So, identify three or more influencers or blogs with a great number of followers and send in your pitch. Ask to guest blog on their site and mention what they will benefit from it.

You can also ask influencers to guest blog on your site. This ensures more views and better interaction because their followers will be able to find your content, visit your site, and hopefully become loyal fans. Share the post on your social platforms and mention it on your YouTube channel or podcast.


Internal links are a great way to retain your audience and assure your visitors that you have all the information they need. So, use them to help users engage better with your content and keep coming back. You can quickly and easily turn first-time visitors into loyal followers by making your site the go-to place for certain information. However, be careful not to share irrelevant information. Stick to your niche and provide content that’s relevant to your business or area of focus.

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Use backlinks. Have other sites link back to your content or some of your finest posts. Partner up with them or ask them to link to your site when sharing certain information or advice. Target reputable sites that are within your niche.

Get more backlinks by sharing ultimate guides, publishing evergreen content, including testimonials on your site, commenting on relevant blogs, and spying on the competition. Use Ahrefs or BuzzStream to identify websites that link to your competitors. Know what sets them apart, come up with an effective content creation strategy, and reach out to them.


Build an online reputation to make it easy for people to favor your content and engage with it. Establish yourself online. Decide on what you want to be known for and use that to command attention. For example, if sales and marketing is your specialty, what sort of advice will you offer? Will you offer free marketing advice to startups and help them grow sales? Or you will help small businesses make smart financial decisions by publishing comparison articles and linking to useful resources? The main thing is to build authority and share highly-valuable and on-demand content.

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Join Quora or Reddit to build a community and make your mark. Provide practical answers to questions. Join interesting and relevant discussions. Share your opinion and prove that you are an expert at what you do. Follow relevant accounts and engage with their content. Once you become part of the community, mention your website or blog. Ask your followers to visit your site. Promote a new product, discounts, and mention giveaways. If you form meaningful connections and have a nice following, you will easily increase traffic to your blog, website, and other business pages.


Use Google Analytics or SEMrush to track your performance, inspect visitor data, spy on the competition, identify high-performing posts, and fine-tune your methods.

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Take the steps mentioned in this article to appeal to the right audience, build your mailing list, grow traffic, convert users into long-term customers, and take your business to the next level.

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