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The only way to succeed online is to know and understand your audience. You have to identify their needs and get them to continuously engage with your content.

When your subscribers love your content, it will be easy for them to turn into customers. You can attract more sales because you know what they want.

Understanding your audience is key to growing your business, increasing your conversions, and growing your customer base.

We’ll cover 10 effective ways to learn more about your subscribers and get the attention you need.


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One of the best ways to learn about your audience is to practice social listening. It allows you to identify and assess what people are saying about your brand, company, or product.

Social listening makes it easy for you to determine what your audience likes or hates about your product. It helps you improve your offer and ensure content that has high engagement.

You can also identify your fans, learn more about the competition, and improve your customer service.

Remember that potential customers get inspiration to engage in business with you from various social media platforms. So, if people rev about your service and say positive things about your brand, you can easily attract more customers.

When you follow what people are saying about your brand, you can easily identify their needs and cater to them.

If there are any queries, you can attend to them immediately and ensure you don’t lose customers.

Social media listening also involves interacting with your audience and knowing the type of content they engage with the most.

So, share interesting content, respond to comments, and know the type of content they prefer.

This makes it easy for you to understand your subscribers, continue to share engaging content, and build meaningful relations.

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Knowing your subscribers and keeping them engaged requires you to connect at a personal level. You have to keep them engaged with your posts and interested in what you are sharing.

One of the best ways to achieve that is to create a private group on Facebook. Use it to connect with your audience and understand prospects better.

Avoid posting too much promotional content because you can easily lose your followers.

Show interest in their content as well and comment on their posts.

Ask your subscribers to join your Facebook group and convince them to do so. State the purpose of the group and what they will benefit from it.

Write down the rules and emphasize the importance of observing them.

You can send invitation emails to your email subscribers or upload a YouTube video encouraging your subscribers to join the group. If you want to invite your YouTube subscribers.

If you constantly share engaging content, your subscribers will be more than happy to join.

Use your private group to strengthen relations and understand your audience better.

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Share interesting content and give them a reason to engage with your posts and never leave the group.

Upload behind-the-scenes videos or pictures, respond to comments, answer all questions, and encourage group members to post.

Write guidelines and state how group members should behave. Mention unacceptable behavior and the penalty that comes with failing to adhere to the rules.

State the type of content that should be shared and posts that aren’t allowed. This makes it easy for everyone to stick to the rules, understand what’s acceptable, and easily connect with others.

Your private group can make it easy for you to identify your audience’s needs, learn more about their behavior, and cater to their needs. All you have to do is convince your existing subscribers and new ones to join, post regularly, interact with your audience, and remain active.


Identify your lead magnet and use it to learn more about your subscribers.

Find out what type of content gets more people to subscribe and share more of it to strengthen relations.

For example, if you use a free eBook as your lead magnet on your website and have gained more subscribers by giving away certain information, continue to do so in your emails and private group.

Use free eBooks to retain your subscribers and get new ones.

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If you have a YouTube channel, identify the best-performing video or one that attracted more subscriptions at a specific date. Use it to connect with your audience, attract comments, and get new subscribers.

You can share the video on your social media platforms and website or use it as a channel trailer.

Use YouTube analytics to identify your lead magnet or best-performing video.

Pay attention to the number of views, playback locations, and watch time. The video with more views, more watch hours, and more conversions is your lead magnet.


The simple and most effective way to learn more about your audience is to run surveys and ask questions.

So, create surveys and encourage your subscribers to participate.

Ask important and relevant questions only to get more people to participate.

Keep the survey short to attract more people and easily track results.

To succeed, determine the type of information you want, identify your audience, state the number of respondents you need, and pick the right time to send out the survey.

You can run surveys weekly, monthly, or as often as you need to. Depending on how effective they are and how often your audience participates.

Another option is to add at least 1 question in every newsletter you send or ask one question in every video you upload to boost interaction. It will make it easy for you to learn more about your audience and understand them.

Create your survey with SurveyMonkey, HubSpot Free Online Form Builder, Google Forms, Typeform, SoGoSurvey, or Crowdsignal.

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Host virtual streaming events to boost engagement, connect with your audience, and understand them better.

Live streaming is the best way to show your followers you appreciate them and care about helping them reach certain goals. It makes it easy for people to trust you and connect at a personal level.

They can freely ask you questions and share their thoughts. It’s easier for you to identify their interests in real-time. So, use that to your advantage.

The best thing about live streams is that you can attract a bigger audience and get more subscribers. You can use a wide variety of content and reach a highly targeted niche.

It becomes easy for you to generate sales as well. If you do it right.

The most important thing to do is ask your viewers questions and encourage them to share their opinions.

If you have email subscribers, ask them what they would like you to cover in your next issue, for example.

You can also talk about your new offer and ask them to share their thoughts. For example, what they think about your product, what improvements should be made, and what they love most about it.

Make sure you promote your event before going live to attract more people. Run a teaser campaign and tell your subscribers about it.

State the purpose of the event and encourage them to participate.

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Engage with your viewers throughout the event and respond to questions and comments whenever you can.

Keep the conversation going when the live stream ends. Do a follow-up and ask more questions. When your subscribers respond to your emails, show appreciation and don’t let the conversation end. This makes it easy for you to build meaningful relations and get your audience to engage with more of your content.

You can do live streaming on YouTube or Facebook. Depending on your preferences.

Either of the platforms can help you reach your goals. All you have to do is promote your event and get your subscribers excited about it before it happens.

Do live streaming as often as you can for better results.

Create a schedule and stick to it. Set a time and date for your streams. Make sure your audience knows when you go live and how often you do so.


The best way to grow and know your audience is to segment your lists. It makes it easy for you to send personalized emails that will keep them interested in the content you are sharing. It is key to getting your subscribers to read your emails or watch your videos and take action.

The main reason for having subscribers is to connect with them and convert them into customers.

The best way to achieve that is to share information they are interested in. The kind that adds value to their lives and helps them in some way.

Segment your list by location, open rate, subscribers who want to know more about your blog, and people who want to learn more about your products.

Doing this helps you send the right emails to the right people and is key to increasing your click-through rates.

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Research and create buyer personas to identify their preferences and learn more about their needs.

Define your ideal customer, write interview questions, and send them out to your subscribers. This helps you collect important information and makes it easy for you to understand your followers’ problems, values, goals, and challenges.

You can also run surveys to access the information you need.

Your main goal is to know what your current customers and prospects think about your business, product, or service.

You can ask them to share their opinions about a new product you just launched, last month’s newsletter, or customer service.

Ask for basic demographic information and only collect important information that will help you understand them better. For example, ask how they found out about you, what motivates them to make certain purchases, how long they’ve been a subscriber, what they enjoy most about your content, what they recently bought from you, and one thing about a purchased product they think should be improved.

Researching buyer personas and interviewing your subscribers can take lots of time but it’s worth it. It helps you understand your audience’s needs, share content they engage with and increase your chances of turning them into long-term customers.

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Use analytics tools to identify best-performing emails and understand what sort of information your subscribers are interested in.

Find out what sort of emails or topics get your audience’s attention and send more of those emails.

Answer key questions, “What sort of emails have the most engagement?”, “What topics get more attention?”, “When are your open rates higher?” And “What types of CTAs get more conversions?”

Analytics tools make it easy for you to study your audience’s behavior and curate content that has high engagement. They are key to not only boosting engagement but also increasing your conversions.

Track important metrics to determine how effective your emails are and learn more about your subscribers’ needs.

Email marketing metrics you should track are Clickthrough Rate, Open Rate, Unsubscribe Rate, Bounce Rate, Conversion Rate, Email Sharing Rate, Revenue per Email, List Growth Rate, and Overall ROI.

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One thing that leads to more people opting out of your emails is overpromoting your products. It’s easy to lose subscribers when you focus more on how you can benefit from them instead of what they can get from you.

So, avoid posting promotional content and aim to educate or entertain. Depending on your target audience, their interests, and your line of business.

Focusing more on sharing free, highly interactive content is key to retaining your subscribers and growing your audience. They will see that you care about connecting with them, forming meaningful relations, and knowing them better.

Create a content schedule and stick to it. If you choose to post once a week, make sure you always do that. If you choose to send daily emails, stick to that. Make it easy for your subscribers to open your emails and engage with your content. Make sure they know when to expect the next email so you can get higher open rates.

Aim to constantly share high-quality content that keeps your subscribers engaged.

Use different content types to boost engagement. Don’t just stick to text. Incorporate images and videos to capture attention.

Add clear CTAs to direct your subscribers to the email you want them to read next or your external pages. Doing this ensures you get more leads and conversions.

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Conduct A/B tests to determine what sort of emails your subscribers interact with the most and improve your content strategy.

AB testing helps you improve your click rates, get higher open rates, increase user engagement, reduce bounce rates, increase your conversion rates, and ensure you send emails your subscribers enjoy reading.

Test your headlines, images, form placements, CTAs, preview text, email length, personalization, and newsletter formats.

Create two versions of the same email and find out which one performs better. You can add an image to one email and use text on the other.

Add different CTAs to the emails and find out which one gets more clicks.

Send your emails at different times to determine when your subscribers engage with them the most.

Use different subject lines and find out which one gets you more clicks.

Once you run your A/B tests, collect the data and use it to retain your subscribers.

Stick to email copy or formats with more open rates and high engagement. For example, if your subscribers prefer short emails with images, stick to that. If they only click on your CTAs when they are located in the middle of your emails, always place your calls to action in the middle.

Your A/B testing email campaigns can help you track audience behavior and understand them better. They are key to getting more subscribers and curating content that converts. So, prioritize them.

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The only way to increase your conversion rates and succeed as a marketer online is to know your subscribers. You have to learn more about their challenges, interests, goals, and values to create content they are interested in.

Your main aim should be to connect with them, build trust, or keep them entertained and make it easy for them to engage with your brand.

Don’t focus too much on promotional content because that’s how you lose subscribers. Show that you are interested in helping them reach their goals and building meaningful relations. When they see that you are not just interested in getting sales but connecting with them, it becomes easier for them to interact with your content.

Use the methods we covered to capture your audience’s attention, understand your subscribers, boost engagement, and continuously share content that attracts more clicks, views, and shares.

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