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TikTok has over 100 million monthly users making it the best platform to market your business on. You can use it to build brand awareness, grow your audience, increase traffic to your business website, and increase your conversion rates.

Studies show that TikTok has the highest engagement metrics compared to other social media platforms.

However, getting people to interact with your content may be challenging especially when you are starting.

So, use the following tips to grow your presence and get the attention you need.


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The secret to growing your audience and reaching your marketing goals is knowing your audience. You don’t want to target anyone and everyone because doing so makes it difficult to attract the right people. So, define your target audience to come up with an effective content strategy, attract people who are interested in your content, and ensure results.

First, consider your brand or business niche. What do you do? What is your goal? And What sort of problem does your product or service solve?

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Answer these questions to determine the kind of people who will benefit from engaging with your content or doing business with you.

Define your audience based on demographics, interests, location, profession, and so on.

Target people who are already interested in your line of business or ones who are interested in products or services similar to what you offer.

Identify your audience’s interests, problems, or daily challenges to provide solutions and help them mitigate challenges. Consider your existing followers to come up with an effective content strategy. What sort of content do they like? Which posts do they engage with the most? And What are some of their challenges?

Search for high-ranking keywords within your niche to understand your target audience and generate content ideas. Use ubersuggest, Ahrefs, Google Keyword Planner, or SEMrush to identify popular phrases that people type in searches and understand the type of information they need.

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Once you gather enough information, curate content that’s in line with what your target audience wants. Aim to add some sort of value into their lives and keep them interacting with your videos.

Know your target audience to ensure you create interesting content that attracts attention and boosts engagement.

Another option is to reach out to your existing followers and ask about their recent challenges and the type of content they wish they had free and easy access to.


Help your followers understand who you are and what you do. Optimize your profile and add the most important information to help people understand your brand. List your main services and make it easy for your target audience to identify your business purpose.

For example, if you are a graphic designer, add ‘Graphic Designer’ and ‘Entrepreneur’ on your profile. You can also add one noticeable achievement or award to pique interest and get people interested in following you.

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Add your website URL to help your audience learn more about your business and engage with the rest of your content. Use emoticons on your bio to highlight your brand’s personality and boost interaction. For example, if you are a photographer or videographer, add a camera emoji next to your service description.

Use calls to action to guide users through your content, get them to click on your links, encourage them to follow you, and guide them to your external pages. Use a hand emoji or an arrow to draw their attention to your link.

Link your blog, YouTube channel, or other social media account and ask users to connect with you on that platform and interact with the rest of your content.

Add a CTA to every post to boost interaction and increase traffic. Ask people to follow you on each video and add a CTA to make it easy for them to do so.

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Follow and participate in interesting trends. Identify trends relevant to your niche and ones that your target audience participates in to share your brand’s personality, stand apart from the competition, and ensure users connect with your business.


The only way to succeed is to create engaging and valuable content. The kind that your target audience is interested in and finds useful. Just like any other content marketing strategy, the key to succeeding in your TikTok content marketing efforts is by giving your audience what they want.

So, identify their needs, interests, and common challenges and cater to them. Use your videos to help them overcome challenges, access helpful resources, solve common problems, or learn something new. This is key to commanding attention, reaching the right people, increasing engagement, and getting more followers.

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Share informational content and teach your audience something new. Become the go-to person for interesting and valuable content within your niche. Be creative. Upload different types of content to raise interest and keep users interacting with your videos. Share humorous content here and there. Share the latest updates and trends in your industry and so on.

Promote your product or service and help people understand it better. Announce a new product launch and highlight the exciting and unique features. Get people to fall in love with your brand, look forward to the content you’ll share next, and follow your account.

Identify interesting challenges and participate in them. This is a great way to attract attention, gain more exposure, and encourage people to visit your profile and learn more about your company.

Create a branded hashtag challenge to attract attention and encourage your followers to engage with your content. Your challenge has to be eye-catching and interesting to command attention.

Do your research and study viral hashtag challenges to ensure success. Identify at least 5 challenges that went viral. Find out common patterns or the main thing that people were attracted to. Answer key questions; “What is the most interesting thing about this challenge?” “What are the 3 main things that attract attention on all challenges?” Is it the presence of humor? Or perhaps it’s because they are cause-related?

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Focus on brands related to your niche and learn from them. What sort of challenges went viral? And Why? Use the information you gather to come up with ideas for your branded hashtag challenge. Look for ways to incorporate your brand or product without making it too promotional.

Create a noteworthy hashtag to pique interest, attract more people, and encourage them to share. To succeed, choose a hashtag that’s easy to spell, search for, and remember. Make it easy for users to share and use it. Look for a way to include your brand name for marketing reasons.

Post your challenge and use the hashtag you’ve chosen to reach your target audience. Ask people to join and encourage them to use the hashtag.

Create Duet challenges to improve engagement and attract attention. You can lip-sync, dance, or perform any other activity with another user side-by-side on the same screen. Ask a friend or influencer within your niche to participate. You can also take on the challenge and compete with any random person. The goal is to increase interaction, attract a bigger audience, and create a viral challenge.

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Create noteworthy and interesting videos to attract attention and boost interaction. Share educational, funny, or informative content. Add exciting effects to create unique videos, command attention, and encourage shares.

Go to the recording settings and experiment with different features. For example, customize the speed of your videos. Make them faster or slower depending on what you are sharing, the message you are communicating, and the impression you want to leave on your audience.

Add interesting animations to your videos to make them stand out from the crowd and get people talking. Take advantage of all the exciting features and experiment with them to see what works best for your post or video.

Other interesting features to experiment with are the ‘Beauty filter’, ‘AR effects’, stickers, and memes. The Beauty-enhancing filter allows you to change your complexion and makes you look like a doll version of yourself. The AR effects allow you to change your eye color, hair color and add virtual elements like puppy ears, hats, glasses, and so on.

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Add attention-grabbing background sounds or music to your videos to raise interest and boost engagement. Add interesting captions and calls to action to attract attention, help your followers understand your content better, and inspire action.

Add a cover to attract attention and help your audience understand what your video is about before clicking on it. Pick an eye-catching cover and use an image that represents the most interesting part of the video to raise curiosity and get more clicks.

Engage with other users to encourage them to follow your videos and interact with your content. Watch their videos and leave positive comments. Tap the Hashtag icon and tag a user to leave your comment. When you see something you like, hit the Heart icon to encourage other users to do the same.

Set push notifications to see who commented on your videos, who liked them, and who followed you. This makes it easy for you to follow people back and also engage with their content.

React or respond to comments to boost engagement and make your followers see that you value them.

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Optimize your videos for SEO to make it easy for people to find your content. Use at least two hashtags on every video upload. Use relevant hashtags to ensure success. For example, if your content focuses on online marketing use ‘#onlinemarketingsuccess’ or ‘#socialmediamarketingtips’ as your hashtag.

Using hashtags is key to ensuring search engines recommend your videos and make it easy for people to find your content.


Use TikTok Ads to reach a bigger audience, build brand awareness, and get more leads. You need a business account to run your ads. So, if you don’t have one yet go ahead and create it.

Visit tiktok.com/business and navigate to the Menu Bar on your right. Click on it and go to ‘Get Started’ right at the bottom.

Click on the button and begin the signup process. Add your email address and create a strong password to secure your account. Use your business email address for efficiency. Enter the verification code you receive in your inbox. Click on the ‘Phone’ tab next to the ‘Email’ tab. Add your contact details.

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Agree to TikTok’ Ads terms and conditions and click on ‘Sign Up.’ That’s it, you’ve successfully created your business account. Now you can start creating your ads.

Log in to your TikTok business account if you aren’t already logged in and start your campaign.

Pick a name for your campaign and set your budget. Choose the right name to ensure success. Define your advertising objective to reach your goals and make sure you stay on track. What do you want to achieve from your campaign? Do you want to raise brand awareness, increase website traffic, and get higher conversions?

Perhaps you want to grow your client base and enhance sales? Whatever your goal, define it to come up with an effective strategy.

Choose your ad placement and specify where you want your ads to appear. Specify your target audience and the people you want to advertise to. You can target people based on location, gender, age, language, interests, device type, and connection type.

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Create your ad. Upload your promotional video or images. If you are using images make sure they represent your brand or services right. Add background music to attract attention, retain it, and encourage shares. The best thing about TikTok is that it recommends a matching background track for your ads. It will help you pick the right track and make it easy for you to create attention-grabbing ads. If you don’t like the recommended background sound you can change it to whatever you want.

5 TikTok Ads to try are In-feed Ads, Branded Effects, Hashtag Challenge, Branded Takeover, and Top View Ads.


Connect with other creators and collaborate with them to reach a bigger audience, improve visibility, generate sales, and get a return on investment from your marketing efforts. Target influencers within your niche and ones that have high engagement rates.

Visit the influencer’s profile to find the information you need. Focus on the number of followers, the type of content the influencer shares, how often they post and find out whether or not people engage with posts. How many comments, likes, or reactions does the creator have? Pay attention to all the important details to ensure you work with someone who will help you reach your target audience and goals.

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You can use hashtags, specific names, or relevant and popular keywords to find influencers but this can make it difficult for you to find the right influencer. So, join the TikTok Creator marketplace to quickly access the information you need and choose the right people.

When you join the marketplace, you can easily identify the influencer’s audience demographics and behavior to determine whether or not they are the right fit for your brand or product. You get to see the number of people who engage most with the creator’s content based on age and gender.

If you own a clothing store, are targeting women and the influencer has 60% women and 40% male followers, reach out to him or her and start a partnership.

Connect with the influencer and ask him to promote your brand or mention your new product launch. Give him a reason to agree. Use persuasive language and identify one thing that he’ll benefit from the partnership.

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Cross-promote your content for more visibility and to reach a bigger audience. Share and talk about your TikTok videos on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other social media platforms.

Publish your TikTok videos on other platforms to grow your audience, get more followers, and generate more leads.

Tell your existing followers about the interesting TikTok challenge you participated in. Create an interesting challenge and ask them to join.

Talk about the type of content you share, why you think they will benefit from it, and why they should engage with it. Ask them to follow you and give them a reason to.

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Tell your blog readers about your account, state at least 3 things they’ll benefit from your content, and ask them to follow you. Mention how your TikTok content is going to help them understand your brand or services better. Mention that it is also a great way to connect with you, get access to the latest updates, and engage with the rest of your content.

Come up with an effective TikTok marketing strategy to ensure success. For example, post at the right times to increase your engagement metrics. Ask your followers to join your email list and subscribe to your monthly or weekly newsletter to increase traffic to your site and get more conversions.

Growing your TikTok presence and using the platform to reach your marketing goals takes time because TikTok is different from other social media platforms. You have to first study how the platform works and familiarize yourself with its features to make the most of it. So, do adequate research and invest time into the process.

However, once you understand how everything works and get comfortable with the platform, you can easily reach your marketing goals, grow your customer base, and increase sales.

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