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AdSense is one of the best ways to make money online and if you adhere to Google’s guidelines and follow the best practices, you can greatly boost your monthly income. If you don’t have an account yet, it’s high time you created one. It’s easy, free, and you can get started even if your site or blog is brand new.

The best part is that you can run ads on different sites from one account as well as on mobile devices. Plus, you can also make as much as you want.

So, whether you are only starting or already have an AdSense account and want to increase your revenue, you’ve come to the right place.

I will help you achieve just that.


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Your ability to boost AdSense revenue depends mainly on the amount of traffic you receive. The higher your website traffic the higher your chances to generate clicks and earnings. So, focus on increasing website traffic and growing your audience. Achieve this by coming up with an effective content strategy because your content determines who visits your site, for how long, and how often.

Create and publish valuable content often to command attention. You can post daily or at least 3 times a week. The goal is to give your audience a reason to repeatedly visit your site. So, give them what they are interested in. Find out the kind of information they need, value, or find interesting and meet their needs.

Use long-form content for more engagement and shares. Write ultimate guides and share how-to videos. Your content can be anywhere from 1000 words to 3000 words. Share helpful and highly engaging content. Include important, useful, or exciting information only. The kind that will help your followers solve a problem or learn something new.

Teach them a new skill, share helpful resources, or provide tips on how to meet certain challenges. Give them a reason to value and favor your content above everyone else’s.

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Incorporate videos into your strategy to boost engagement and increase traffic. People prefer and interact best with videos. So, upload interesting and noticeable videos. You can record a 60-minute video and help your audience complete a certain task or learn a new skill. Record a 15-minute video and compare certain products or services to help your followers make the best choice. Remember to always stick to your niche and avoid sharing irrelevant information. For example, if you are an SEO expert, share information that’s relevant to search engine optimization.

For example, site optimization, online marketing, growing website traffic, the best SEO tools, and so forth. You want your audience to know they can come to your site or channel for certain information and advice. You want them to quickly and easily find the information they need and recommend you to their friends as well as coworkers. So, share relevant content.

Keep your existing audience and attract more people by taking the following step:


Get more clicks and increase revenue by writing for a niche market. Identify a specific market and cater to their needs. Define your audience based on their unique needs or preferences. For instance, you can target pet owners, remote workers, female CEOs, gamers, and so on. Produce content that they are interested in. The kind that helps them solve an existing issue, learn better or effective ways to carry out tasks or enable them to meet their goals.

For example, if you are a tech blogger, you can narrow things down and target Apple fans. Blog about the latest software updates, new products, and so on. Mention unique product features and help users find their way around a new software upgrade.

You can also boost interaction by choosing debatable topics. For instance, “5 reasons why Mac users fare better than Windows fans” or “6 reasons why you should switch from Android to iOS.” This is the best way to attract both Apple fans and Windows users. It is the most effective way to ensure users engage with your content and share their opinions.

Be creative. Share content that piques interest and raises curiosity. For example, leave a question after a product review to encourage your followers to participate. Ask your audience to leave comments or share their opinion. Keep the conversation going by responding to every comment.

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Share short high-quality videos. Record a 5-minute how-to video or host a Q&A session. Go live and ask your subscribers to ask any question around your area of expertise. Give practical answers and solutions to problems.

You can also interview an influencer or someone who has already reached certain goals that your subscribers are aiming at. Share useful tips on how to go from A to Z or reach a certain goal.

Increase AdSense revenue by running ads that are in line with the type of content you create. For example, if you are a web designer and create content that helps small businesses meet their online marketing goals, you can use “A step-by-step guide to designing and launching your website” and recommend a hosting company. Advertise the one you are using or the one you think is best. Add an image or video ad within your content to inspire action and generate more clicks.

The best part about picking a niche is that it makes it easier for users to trust your opinion as well as ads. For instance, when your followers know that you are an expert in online marketing, they will trust the marketing software you recommend.


Next, optimize your site for SEO to ensure your pages appear on searches. Include relevant and popular keywords in your content. Know and understand your audience. What words or phrases do they type in searches when looking for certain information?

Use Google Keyword Planner for keyword research. You can also Google certain phrases or use YouTube’s search engine for suggestions.

Include the most relevant keyword in your headline. For example, if you want to write about email marketing software, use “Top 10 free and premium email marketing tools to save time” or “The best email marketing tools for your business.” Ensure your article or video ranks for certain keywords.

Use meta descriptions and meta keywords throughout your content. For example, on your Google My Business profile, include at least two relevant keywords in your business description. Use descriptive text and help users easily understand your area of focus. If you own a computer repairs business, for example, include the words; computer repairs or tech solutions. If you own a content creation business, include; content creation, article writing, web content creation, and so on.

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Optimize for mobile and ensure your blog is responsive. Check your site’s responsiveness with BrowserStack or Screenfly.

Optimize your images and videos. Add meta titles and descriptions. Add alt text to your images. Include compelling CTAs and guide users through your content. Use TinyPNG to compress images and speed up page load times. Minify CSS and JavaScript files, reduce the number of redirects and enable browser caching. These are some of the most important steps to help speed up your site. So, implement them to keep visitors on your website longer and give them the best experience.

Use internal linking or link from one page on your site to another to retain your audience and generate more clicks.

Use the best SEO monitoring tool to track performance and make the necessary adjustments. Use Google Search Console, DeepCrawl, or SEOmonitor.


Use different ad formats to encourage more clicks. Create appealing and eye-catching ads to inspire action. Don’t stick to the same ad type. Take advantage of the flexibility that Google gives you and incorporate different methods. Use text, images, videos, AdSense for search, etc.

Mix text and images to grab attention and attract more clicks. You can customize the background color and font size of your ads. Stick to your primary colors and choose ones that blend with your content and website. Use high-quality images. Add your business images such as product photos. Include prices, promotions, or discounts on your ads to pique interest. You can also use animated images if you prefer.

Use video ads to command attention and speed up the decision-making process. Start a YouTube channel or use your existing one. Create valuable and high-quality content to grow your audience and get more subscribers. Once you get more views and loyal subscribers, link your channel to your AdSense account. Display relevant ads to your viewers. The kind that interests them and is more likely to encourage clicks.

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If you have too much content on your site, take advantage of AdSense Custom Search. When a user runs a search on your page, your ad will appear together with the search results. This is a great way to display relevant ads to your audience. It also improves your chances of generating more clicks.

Personalize your ads. Choose headlines that appeal to your audience and create a sense of urgency. Convince the user to click on your ads and make them feel they will lose out if they don’t. Your headline should give the user an idea of what they will benefit from following your ad. It should give site visitors a reason to click on specific ads.

Write a description that clearly states what users are going to get from clicking on the ad. Answer three questions; how is your ad going to help my audience? how will it benefit them? and why should they click on it?

Include an external link to direct users to the targeted page.

Add a call to action to influence decisions. You can add a “Buy now” “Learn more” or “Place your order” button.

Go to Google Ads Editor Help to learn more about recommended display sizes, display ad specifications, and so much more. You can also download the Google Ads Editor app to manage your ad campaigns.


Focus on ad positioning to get more clicks and increase your earnings. Know the best places to place your ads and attract attention. Ensure your ad appears on search engine result pages or SERPs. Use relevant keywords and descriptions to improve your Click-through rate or CTR. Know your target audience and display ads based on common search entries. For example, if you own a travel agency and offer a 30% discount to the first 50 customers, include that in your headline.

Use “Get 30% off on your ticket” or “Fly with us and get a 30% discount on all expenses” as your headline to pique interest and command attention. Add a “Book Now” button or call-to-action to inspire action. Use relevant keywords on your ad descriptions to appear on relevant searches.

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You can also use Sponsored Links to speed up the process and accelerate results.

If you own a blog, you can place your ads just below the navigation menu, below your blog content, and in the white space on either side of your content. Remember to create and publish more content and fewer ads. Don’t place too many ads on your site because Google can penalize you for it.

Use long, vertical ads in the white space on either the left side or right side of your content. Include large bold text, pricing, and a compelling CTA. Use a persuasive headline and choose a background color that fits in with the rest of your content.

Use Google Analytics to track Google AdSense clicks and identify high-performing ads.


Another brilliant way to encourage more clicks is to include ads in your content. Display your ads based on the topic you are writing about or the content you are sharing, if you have a YouTube channel. Stay relevant. Display ads that go effortlessly with the information you are sharing.

You can also highlight a problem and offer the solution with your ad. For example, you can target startups and talk about the best ways to get your business off the ground. Mention the frustrations that come with tracking your finances while overseeing day-to-day business processes. Recommend the best bookkeeping software you have used or are using and place your ad within the content. This is how you influence decisions, accelerate the decision-making process, and inspire action.

Another option is to create a Forum site. Pick a niche and attract users to your site.

Set governing rules for your site and move on to the next step.

Start a conversation or encourage users to start discussions and express their opinion. Choose interesting topics to encourage participation.

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Promote your new website to your existing followers. For example, your Facebook community, Twitter followers, YouTube subscribers, and blog readers.

Once you build a community of like-minded people, place your ads. Advertise relevant products or services that they are interested in as well as ones they find useful. Remember to pick a descriptive site name or one that helps users easily understand your area of focus.

Remember to Adhere to the Google AdSense policies and position your ads right. Learn more about their terms and conditions and stick to the guidelines to avoid getting penalized.


Avoid common mistakes to increase revenue and prevent your account from getting banned.

Some of the common mistakes to avoid are:

• Keyword stuffing

Don’t use too many keywords on your descriptions or content. This can lead to your account getting suspended. Use 3 or 4 relevant keywords at most. Avoid keyword stuffing your content to increase traffic and get more clicks. Remember, the best way to grow traffic and generate more clicks is by producing high-quality content. The kind that your audience loves and finds valuable.

• Copyright infringement

Don’t copy content from other blogs or websites and publish it on your site. You will be penalized for it. So, get the owner’s permission first before publishing their content or using their images. Better yet, create original content and use copyright-free images from Unsplash or Pexels.

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• Clicking your own ads

Never click on your ads. Doing so will lead to your account getting banned. Also, avoid using traffic bots as they can lead to invalid clicks and hence, the violation of Google policies. Grow traffic to your site, get more clicks, and increase revenue by learning about SEO and implementing the best practices. Use your social media pages to boost traffic.

• Not having a target audience

This is one of the most common mistakes that bloggers or site owners make. So, specify your audience and build meaningful relations first and then advertise. This is the most effective way to get more clicks and increase your AdSense earnings. If your customers value your content, they will easily follow your ads and trust your opinion. So, get more clicks by focusing on your customers and building meaningful relations.

If you follow the above-mentioned steps you will increase your earnings and meet your goals.

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