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Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to generate leads, nurture them, and convert them into long-term clients.

Working with the right platform is key to reaching the right people, nurturing prospects, forming meaningful relations, and increasing sales.

Aweber is one of the best email marketing platforms you can use to reach your marketing and sales goals.

Use the following Aweber tricks to leverage your email marketing and grow your business.


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Getting started and succeeding in email marketing requires an effective strategy. You must be able to attract the right audience, send frequent emails, get your subscribers to open your emails, keep them engaged, and convince recipients to take the desired action. That is the only way to generate leads, grow your mailing list, nurture prospects, and enhance sales.

All of that can be difficult if you don’t have an effective marketing strategy or don’t know where to start. However, if you work with the right email marketing tool, you can achieve all that and more.

Aweber is one of the best tools you can use to achieve your email marketing goals. All you have to do is create an account and get started. You concentrate more on running your business while they handle the marketing process for you. Meaning, you will have everything you need to create professional emails in simple steps, reach your subscribers whenever you want, nurture relationships, and boost your conversions.

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The process is straightforward and the best part is that you can start with their free plan to determine if it’s the right tool for you.

Head over to aweber.com/free.htm to create your account for free. Once you create your account, you will receive a link that you’ll use to set up your sign-in details.

When you first log in to your new account, you will be able to enter all your business information. So, enter all the required information such as your company name, website URL, business address, goals, social profiles, the number of email subscribers you already have, email marketing tools you are already using, and so on.

Doing this helps Aweber provide you with the right content to help you reach your goals. You will get access to content that’s tailored specifically to your needs and increase your chances of success.


Your success depends on your marketing strategy. Come up with an effective strategy to reach your target audience, attract leads, turn them into buyers, and ensure success. So, what are your marketing goals? What do you want to achieve from email marketing? And What is your strategy to get there?

If you know what you want to achieve, set clear goals, and plan every step, you will increase your conversion rates and reach your aims.

Email marketing is about reaching and engaging the right audience. So, specify your target audience, attract them, boost engagement, and convert leads to buyers.

With Aweber, you can state your goals, come up with an effective strategy to reach your target audience, keep your subscribers engaging with your content, and grow your mailing list.

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Use their targeted emails feature to send customized and relevant content to your subscribers. Easily determine what sort of content your subscribers are interested in, send it to them, and ensure they take the desired action.

Getting people to click on your emails is one thing. Making sure they take the desired action is another. However, sending relevant content ensures they not only open your emails but use your CTAs.

Email the type of content that your audience needs to raise curiosity, attract attention, and inspire action.


Grow your email list to increase your chances of success. Attract more people to your business, get them to engage with your brand, and in turn improve your conversion rates. Make sure more people know about your business, what you offer, and the value you bring into their lives.

Having the perfect business model, the right people on your team, and offering exceptional services is not enough if no one knows you exist. You have to attract more subscribers and get more people to engage with your brand.

Doing this on your own can be challenging. However, you can attract more people to your business, reach prospects, and grow your email list with the Aweber Landing Page builder.

Landing pages make it easy for you to promote your business, communicate your message, and get more email signups. Use the Aweber Landing Page builder to create your landing page and attract more email subscribers. You can also create video landing pages if you want. People interact best with videos and prefer them. So, take advantage of that.

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The best thing about page builders is that they have a drag-and-drop functionality and therefore, allow you to come up with any design you want.

Add a clear CTA to prompt users for their contact details and get them to sign up for your emails. Highlight the value that you’ll bring to their lives through your emails to get more people to subscribe.

You can also use countless signup forms within Aweber to grow your mailing list. For example, pop-up forms and inline forms.


Getting everyone who visits your page to join your mailing list isn’t enough. You have to nurture the relationship, retain your subscribers, and turn them into clients. The best way to achieve that is by writing engaging emails.

Doing this on your own can be difficult especially when you have hundreds of subscribers and are constantly sending emails. However, with Aweber, you can write engaging emails, schedule them, and reach your subscribers at the right time.

The platform allows you to create personalized and engaging emails that your subscribers will not only click on but find valuable.

Aweber has countless built-in email templates you can customize and send out to your subscribers. You also have the option to import a template from another email marketing software and use it instead. So, if you have existing email templates that you’re using or have used in other email marketing tools and want to continue using them, you can easily import them into your Aweber account.


The best way to increase engagement is to add clear calls to action in your emails.

Determine what sort of action you want recipients to take, and add your CTA. For example, if you want your subscribers to read a certain article that will help them in some way on your blog, add the article URL. If you want them to buy a certain product from your store, add your store URL. If you want them to learn more about your new offer or upcoming promo, add an external link that leads them to the content you want to share.

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Adding CTAs in your emails is a great way to boost engagement, inspire action, and increase your conversion rates.

With the Aweber drag and drop feature and the prebuilt email templates adding your calls to action is easy.

If you also want to create one template that you can use time and again, you can do so with Aweber. Simply use their editor to design your template from scratch or edit an existing one, save it, and use it repeatedly.


The best way to reach your email marketing goals is to retain every subscriber you get. You want to send timely emails to keep your subscribers engaged. You want to convince them to not only click on your emails but take the desired action. You want to keep them interested in hearing from you and excited about what you are going to share next.

Retaining your audience, sending timely emails, and attracting the attention you need can be difficult if you’re doing it on your own. But with Aweber, you can capture attention, retain your audience, and keep them interested in reading your emails. You achieve this through their email scheduling feature.

So, you never have to worry about sending your emails randomly, making it difficult for your subscribers to determine the frequency of your emails.

Use promos and share valuable information to keep your recipients excited about your emails. One of the best ways to do this is to start an email campaign and promote your upcoming product launch, promotions, or events.

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Start a pre-launch promotion and keep your audience engaged. Use their email automation feature to automate your emails and succeed with your campaigns.

You can talk about the upcoming event or product launch and how it’s going to benefit your audience. Mention the problem your product solves and state the most exciting features that will capture your audience’s attention. Add a clear CTA to ensure your subscribers take the next desired action.


Use the platform to automate your emails and ensure you reach your subscribers with relevant offers and save time. Send relevant content to your readers and ensure the right message gets sent to the right people.

Automating your emails ensures you don’t write the same emails over and over, helps you minimize your workload, and is key to nurturing leads.

Email automation also increases your chances of getting more clicks and ensures your subscribers take the desired actions. It makes it easy for you to find out what sort of action email recipients took, assign tags to them, and determine what sort of content to send next.

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Add tags to subscriber profiles based on the actions they take. For example, the links they follow or the emails they open.

Aweber makes it easy for you to create email automation campaigns for the following;

• A welcome series
• Confirmation emails
• Cart abandonments
• Reminder emails
• Thank-you emails


The best way to determine whether your emails are effective or not is by measuring results.

Writing engaging emails or sending timely emails isn’t enough. You have to know who opened your emails, which links they followed, how many people joined your mailing list, how many people unsubscribed from your emails and effectively measure your conversion rates.

Aweber makes it easy for you to measure your email performance so you can use the information you gather to write better emails and get more conversions.

You can measure your click-through rate, delivery rate, conversion rate, bounce rate, unsubscribe rate, how much money you’re making from each email, and so much more.

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The platform also makes it easy for you to find out how much web traffic resulted from your emails. For example, you can easily determine how many subscribers visited your website via your emails.

Your traffic reports also give you access to all the important information such as how many email subscribers visit specific web pages. You’ll know how many people interacted with your homepage, product page, checkout page, and so on.

Measure email performance with Aweber to identify emails that are working and ones that aren’t getting the desired attention. Doing this helps you design engaging emails and come up with a strategy that works.


One of the main reasons why most businesses fail in their email marketing journey is that they don’t create converting emails. They don’t know how to write convincing email copy and always make common mistakes that can be easily avoided.

So, identify the most common mistakes that most email marketers make and avoid them.

Some of the most common mistakes to avoid are; writing boring headlines, sending irrelevant content, over-sending your emails, failing to segment your list, writing misleading content, forgetting CTAs, buying email lists, and failing to A/B test your emails.

Making any of these mistakes can cost you. It can make it difficult for you to nurture your subscribers, keep them engaged with your content, and convert them into customers. If you are making any of the above-mentioned mistakes, you won’t see a return on investment from your marketing efforts.

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Avoiding all those mistakes can be challenging. However, with Aweber, you can.

The prebuilt templates ensure you structure your content right. For instance, you won’t overcrowd your emails with too much content that will cause you to lose your audience’s attention. You can easily determine the best times to send your emails and ensure consistency.

You can segment your list to make sure you send the right content to the right people. Doing this ensures you send your offers to people who are already interested in what you are sharing. It is key to converting your subscribers into customers.

Aweber also makes it easy for you to add relevant CTAs to your email copy so you never miss an opportunity to convert.

With the right strategy in place and the right tool to help you along, you’ll get more people to subscribe to your emails and never buy a mailing list.

With this platform, you never have to worry about making any of the above-mentioned email marketing mistakes because it does all the heavy lifting for you.


Use Aweber to solve common problems such as email deliverability issues, failing to automate your email campaigns, sending infrequent emails, sending irrelevant emails, not testing your email copy, and failing to track your email marketing KPIs and metrics.

With Aweber, you never have to worry about your subscribers not seeing your emails. The tool can automatically remove invalid addresses from your mailing list and lower your bounce rates.

Easily measure your bounce rate, list growth rate, unsubscribe rate, sharing rate, and overall return on investment. That is the secret to your email marketing success.

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If you have an eCommerce business and want to integrate your store with the platform for better results, you can easily do so.

Aweber integrates with many platforms including WooCommerce, Etsy, Shopify, Clickbank, Big Commerce, Facebook, Clickfunnels, Optionmonster, and Gravity Forms.

You can also track user and purchase behavior with the analytics tools.

You are also not limited when it comes to the number of payment methods you can set up in your store. Aweber supports the most common payment methods including PayPal and Stripe.


Use the Aweber blog to gain access to email marketing tips and tricks. They have articles on how to create converting landing pages, grow your email list, send engaging emails, nurture your audience, and so much more.


Aweber makes it easy for you to come up with an effective email marketing strategy. Using the tool saves you time, helps you reach your target audience, grow your mailing list, nurture your subscribers, track email performance, and ensure a return on investment from your efforts. So, if you want to concentrate more on running your business and less on curating interactive emails that convert, create your free account and get started right away. You can always upgrade to the paid version once you are satisfied with the results.

Click here to create your free account


Here’s a recap of what we covered:

• The importance of creating your account with Aweber
• Using Aweber to come up with an effective marketing strategy
• Growing your mailing list
• Writing engaging emails
• Adding clear CTAs
• Retaining prospects
• Automating your emails
• Measuring your email performance
• Identifying and avoiding common email marketing mistakes
• Solving common problems with Aweber

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