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You are about to discover 12 profitable membership site ideas to venture into and create a reliable revenue stream.

You’ll notice that some of the ideas allow you to make money indefinitely while others end at a certain period. For example, you might start a training membership site that lasts for 6 months or a year. At the end of the lessons, you have to start a new course or offer a different service.

Pick any of the following membership site ideas to reach your business goals.


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1) Copywriting

The only way to succeed with your marketing is to know how to convince prospects to engage with your brand.

That is why business owners are constantly looking for ways to write great social media copy, sales letter copy, and email copy.

So, start a membership site that teaches start-ups to write effective sales letters. Target people who want to become copywriters and marketers who want to boost their conversions.

Some of your topics can be: “How to write effective ads”, “How to create great ad headlines”, “Tips for writing dynamic sales letters”, “How to build a target audience profile”, and “Effective methods to track and monitor your marketing efforts.”

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2) Starting an online business

Many people are looking for ways to start a successful online business. Some of them run a tight budget and want to know how to launch a startup without breaking the bank.

Start a membership site that focuses on helping your audience start a successful online business on a shoestring budget.

Some of the lessons you can give are tips to find low-cost tools, getting cheap hosting, setting up an autoresponder, free marketing platforms, and other resources to help your audience run their businesses. Free and affordable.

3) SEO marketing

All businesses need to master SEO marketing to build brand awareness, boost engagement, and increase conversions.

You can teach site members SEO tips, tricks, and hacks. The best thing about this is that SEO rules are constantly changing and developing. So, you’ll never run out of topic ideas.

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4) Social media marketing

Start a membership site that teaches people how to use social media to drive online traffic, build industry authority, and get backlinks. Your topics can include: “How to create good social media content”, “Tips to get more followers”, and “How to create viral content.”

5) Niche reports

Write weekly and monthly niche reports and send them to your site members. If you enjoy researching and learning about new niches, this is the best route to take.

Your niche reports should include the following:

• Product analysis
• Market research
• Keyword research
• Affiliate marketing

6) Flipping websites for profit

Start a membership site that teaches people how to profit from flipping websites or domain names. Help your audience identify the best sites to find websites to flip, look for good deals, improve a poor-performing site, market the newly-purchased website and make nice profits.

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7) PPC marketing

PPC marketing can be profitable when done right. Start a PPC marketing membership site and target online marketers and small businesses. Teach them the following:

• Keyword research
• How to start profitable campaigns
• Tips to create effective ads
• Landing page tips and tricks
• How to write effective CTAs
• Monitoring and tracking results

8) Online marketplaces

More and more people are selling their products on online marketplaces. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. They don’t know how to reach their audience and get sales. So, take advantage of that.

Run a membership site that focuses on online marketing success. Focus on reputable marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and Alibaba.

You can pick one site per month and share step-by-step guides to help sellers succeed on the platform. Share marketing tips, the best ways to use the platform, uploading products, optimizing offers, and how to sell more products.

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9) Creating and distributing physical products

Many marketers want to know how to create, sell, and distribute physical products online. So, start a membership site that focuses on that.

Some of the topics to cover are: “How to outsource the product creation process”, “Where to find reputable manufacturers”, “How to market the product”, “How to package the product right”, and “Where to sell the product.”

10) Profiting from JV partnerships

Countless creators and business owners are benefitting from JV partnerships. However, most people don’t know where to start when it comes to creating profitable joint ventures.

You can start a site that teaches people how to get potential partners and create profitable JV deals.

You can also use your site to connect marketers with potential JV partners.

11) A discount membership site

Start a discount membership site and increase revenue.

Become an affiliate. Write product reviews and comparisons. Add discount links and advertise to your members.

Make sure the products are helpful, appealing, and relevant to your audience.

You can get discount links by doing a joint venture with a vendor. The merchant gives you a discount link and you take a smaller commission per each successful sale. If you have lots of engaged members, the numbers can add up.

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12) Legal aspects of running a business

This is one topic most people avoid. However, it’s important.

Everyone should know the legal aspects of their business. It’s the only way to run a successful and profitable business.

Start a membership site that helps people understand the legal aspects of running a successful company.

Talk about the importance of doing so and focus on the following topics:

• How to register your business
• How to protect your intellectual property
• Business licenses
• Taxes

Work with an attorney or tax accountant to ensure you share accurate information.


Pick any of the 12 profitable membership site ideas we’ve covered and start making money right away.

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