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Starting a membership site can be demanding. Especially if you don’t have enough time to do it yourself.

Fortunately, this guide is going to help you successfully outsource your membership site creation process and take the load off your shoulders.

The best part is that you don’t have to be a web designer, graphic designer, or content creator.

All you need to do is follow this five-step system.


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Step 1: Identify your needs

Decide what sort of products and services you need to start your site.

Know what type of product you need to create so you’ll know what to outsource. It could be a video product, a text-based product, a software product, or an audio product. Decide what sort of freebie product and bonus materials you’ll need to create to attract members.

You’ll also need web design services.

The web designer you choose must create an enticing sales page and be able to create graphics. For example, you might need CTA buttons or an eBook cover design.

You need a series of autoresponder emails that you’ll use to attract and nurture leads. So, you have to find someone to create the email templates for you.

Get a domain name and hosting from reputable sites like www.namecheap.com and www.siteground.com

Use www.paypal.com to process payments.

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Step 2: Set your budget

One of the most frustrating and challenging things about outsourcing is figuring out how much freelancers should charge. You will be exposed to freelancers with low rates and high rates.

One freelancer can charge you hundreds of dollars for your project and the other thousands for the same project. So, you have to know which one to go with.

Don’t judge the quality of work based on the price alone because freelancers set their rates based on different factors. Such as their reputation for good work, their ability to meet deadlines, providing exceptional customer service, and their level of professionalism.

Keep that in mind when choosing your freelancer.

The best way to decide which freelancers to go with is to only focus on “reasonably priced” quotes. Avoid ones with extremely low rates and ones with extremely high rates.

Go through the quotes to find out if the prices are justified.

Create your budget and make sure you can afford the services you need.

Determine how much you need for every task you want to outsource. For example, web design, graphics, copywriting, and product creation. In the form of video, audio, and eBook. Depending on what you are offering.

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Step 3: Find freelancers

Narrow down your search. Determine what types of freelancers you need to create your site. What sort of specialists do you need per task?

Do you need ghostwriters, graphic designers, web designers, editors, software designers, video producers, coders, or voiceover artists?

Note that you will likely need to work with more than one freelancer to get the job done.

Find reputable freelancers on www.fiverr.com, www.upwork.com, www.guru.com, and www.toptal.com

You can also ask your friends or workmates about anyone who is outsourcing. This can help you speed up the whole process. Especially if you ask the right people because chances are, they will recommend a professional freelancer who can meet your expectations.

You can also search for freelancers offline. Place an ad in local newspapers or check universities.

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Step 4: Do proper research

Do proper research and make sure you have all the information you need about the freelancer before working with them.

The last thing you want is to pick scammers or someone unprofessional.

So, ask for work samples, search for customer reviews, and ask for references.

Consider the quality of work, the ability to meet deadlines, customer service, and the level of professionalism.

Run a quick Google search to learn more about the potential freelancer and get all the information you need.

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Step 5: Work with the best people

Post your project and make sure you attract the best talent.

Add a detailed product description and be clear about what you want, the kind of talent you are looking for, and the job that needs to be done.

State delivery time, your preferred communication method, and all the information the freelancer needs to get the job done.

Take the following steps to post your project:

• Open an account on reputable freelancing platforms like www.freelancer.com and don’t forget to verify your account

• Upload your project. Add a detailed description, set your category, and choose the right keywords. Add all the information that’s required to ensure you attract the highest-qualified candidates

• Optimize your description and specify what sort of services you are looking for. For instance, if you are looking for a copywriter, state the niche, and your target market. Mention what goal you want to achieve. Ask for proof of work or samples.


Outsourcing saves you time and money. It helps you reach your goals faster. If you work with the right people, you can run and grow your business effectively without overtaxing yourself. Use this guide to identify the tasks you should outsource and recruit the best talent.

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