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Creating a high-selling product doesn’t have to be difficult. You can go from product idea to product completion in 24 hours.

All you need to do is set aside hours daily and follow the step-by-step plan I’m going to share with you in a minute.

Note that you can break up the 24 hours over at least 2 days if you have a tight schedule. Which means you can take 2 or so days to create your product.


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Hour 1: Find a popular topic in your niche

Find out what’s selling in your niche and choose your topic based on that. You want to pick a popular topic that your potential customers are interested in. The kind that they search for repeatedly so you can attract attention.

Search for high-ranking keywords on Google and use keyword research tools like Ahrefs.

Identify your customers’ pain points or common problems by practicing social listening. Browse blogs within your niche and check online forums and reputable marketplaces like to identify your audience’s needs.

This is a great way to know what’s selling and find a great product to offer your audience.

Your main goal at this point is to identify the top-selling product’s strengths and weaknesses. Make sure your product has the same benefits. Improve on the competitor’s weaknesses to gain a competitive edge.

Next, find an attractive product title that will help you capture attention.

Pick a title that arouses curiosity and makes people want to learn more about your offer.

Add at least one thing prospects will benefit from your product. Use trigger words like ‘How to’, ‘revealed’, ‘secrets’, and ‘the easy way to…’

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Hour 2: Offer additional value

One thing that will get prospects to favor you is offering what the competition isn’t.

So, go to social media groups, blogs, and online forums. Find out what people are constantly asking regarding your product or niche. Include answers in your product or content.

The goal is to provide solutions to the most common problems that the competition isn’t addressing.

Hour 3: Get a domain name

Get a domain name and hosting. Go to or to register.

Buy 3 extensions. Get a .com, .org, and .net

Choose a domain name that’s short, simple, and memorable. Take your time brainstorming the right domain name that represents your product.

Buy hosting from or

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Hour 4: Brainstorm more product ideas

Research what to include in your product to make it more appealing. For example, you can offer additional materials, share tips to help customers reach specified goals faster, and include interesting graphics. Such as mind maps, charts, and screenshots.

Hour 5: Set writing goals

Now comes the interesting part. You have to set writing goals because in the coming hours you will work for 12 hours and write 3 assignments. Don’t worry. Each assignment takes 4 hours to complete. Then you can rest before moving on to the next one.

You have to write a total of 15 pages. Which is doable with the amount of time you have.

You can even look for graphics to add to your product on during your writing hours. After finishing your assignment.

Hour 6: Create a writing plan

Your assignments should include all the content you want to share with your audience. For example, how-to guides, step-by-step guides to achieve a certain goal, and so on. Depending on your product and what you want to offer your customers.

So, create an outline to speed up the writing process. You can either write systematically or sequentially.

If you are writing systematically, arrange your topics from beginner to advanced level. If you are writing sequentially, have a chronological step-by-step outline.

Create a detailed outline that will guide you throughout the process.

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Hour 7 to 10: Write your first assignment

Limit distractions when writing all 3 assignments to increase productivity. For example, close your unnecessary browser tabs, don’t check your emails, and switch off your phone.

Don’t forget to take breaks in between your writing sessions.

Hour 11 to 14: Write your 2nd assignment

Hour 15 to 18: Write your 3rd assignment

Hour 19: Edit, edit, edit

Congratulations on completing your 3 assignments. Now you can check for missing information to add and correct errors.

Format it to make it easy to read. You can add bullets and numbering.

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Hour 20 to 21: Package your product

Give your product document a professional look to attract sales. Insert headlines, margins, indentations, a header and footer, and graphics where applicable.

Add a title page, copyright information, an author page, a special offer page, the product document, and a list of useful resources at the end of the written document.

Hour 22: Create slides

Create attractive slides with Microsoft PowerPoint to make your product even more appealing. Only add the main points on your slides and break up your presentation text with interesting graphics. Such as charts, screenshots, and infographics.

Hour 23 to 24: Turn your manuscript into a high-quality video

Why have one version of your product when you can create more?

Turn your manuscript into a video and watch your sales skyrocket.

All you need is a good mic and video editing software like Adobe Premiere Elements or Premiere Pro.

Buy your mic on Amazon if you don’t already have one.

Another option is to use your smartphone. As long as it can take high-quality videos.

Use your manuscript or PowerPoint slides as you record the video.

Practice until you get it right. Edit your video as needed once done.


That was a lot to take in. But if you followed all the steps, you now have a great product to sell to your customers. You can go ahead and sell the two products you created separately or together and start making money right away.

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