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Every business needs a functional and professional website.

Your goal as a business owner is to increase traffic to your website, retain visitors, and turn users into buyers. This is only possible if you have a user-friendly design.

Your visitors should be able to navigate your site easily and quickly find what they are looking for. That is the only way to retain them, get more traffic, and increase sales.

Use this guide to audit your website and ensure engagement.

Let’s get started.


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Check for responsiveness

Most people prefer using their phones to browse the internet. So, your website must be responsive. That is the only way to retain your visitors. Test your page load times to give users the best experience and ensure they don’t leave your site. Check for responsiveness and speed with,, or

Make sure your content, images, forms, and videos appear correctly across different devices.

Assess your content

Assess your content. Check for errors and correct them. Make sure the information shared is accurate and up-to-date.

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Check for broken links

If you have any broken links, remove them. Test if all your links are functional. If not, update them.

Having broken links on your website makes it difficult for you to prove credibility, keep users on your site, or build trust. If you have articles with links that no longer work, prospects won’t trust the rest of your content.

That is because part of retaining your audience and keeping visitors returning to your site involves sharing quality, valuable, and relevant content. The kind that not only interests them but helps them reach their goals.

Your website should be the ultimate and trusted source for certain information. It’s impossible to achieve that if you have broken links and unreliable sources.

So, use Ahrefs Broken Link Checker or Google Webmaster to find broken links and retain your audience.

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Review your FAQ section

Every website should have a FAQ section. It helps your customer service team to work effectively and makes it easy for users to find answers to their questions. They can solve problems easily without waiting for a response from your support team.

Review your FAQ section and make sure the solutions are up-to-date.

Add more information and solutions to common problems.

If you don’t have a list of common questions and answers, add it. It’s the best way to increase customer satisfaction and boost engagement.

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Test your forms

The main reason you are not getting email subscribers or sales is that your forms aren’t capturing the information required. So, test all your forms and make sure they are functional.

If you want to get more conversions you have to build a meaningful relationship with prospects. Successful marketers understand this. That is why they use email marketing to attract leads and improve sales.

Prioritize building a mailing list and use your website to collect emails.

If you don’t have an email sign-up form, add one to your landing page. Test and see if it’s functional.

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Optimize your site for SEO

The best way to get people to visit your website and engage with your content is to optimize it for SEO.

If your site isn’t visible to search engines, you won’t reach your audience. So, optimize your website for SEO and conversions.

Use alt tags, meta titles, meta descriptions, and high-ranking keywords in your niche throughout your content. Use long-tail keywords and short-tail keywords but avoid keyword stuffing.

Publish authoritative and relevant content. Optimize for on-page SEO and off-page SEO. Get quality backlinks and update your content regularly.

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Analyze website traffic

Analyze website traffic to understand user behavior, improve your content strategy, boost engagement, and track your top referrals. Identify your most visited pages, find out how long users stay on your pages, and calculate your bounce rate.

Use the best website auditing tools to speed up the process. For example, Ahrefs SEO Site Audit Tool, SEMrush Site Audit Tool, Google Webmaster, and Google Analytics.

These tools can help you study user behavior, create high-quality content, retain visitors, reduce your bounce rate, and turn browsers into buyers.

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Give users the best experience and avoid losing them to the competition. If your site is user-friendly, professional, and functional, you will increase your conversion rates. Use this guide to improve your website design, content, and functionality. Run frequent tests and go through the steps we covered to audit your website and boost engagement.

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